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aaaa its been so long since i wrote on here, i'm kinda nervous hehe how're u guys liking the story so far??

"How did you sleep?" Yeonjun asked the next day, rolling Japanese-styled omelets as he greeted the female who had a tired bed face

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"How did you sleep?" Yeonjun asked the next day, rolling Japanese-styled omelets as he greeted the female who had a tired bed face.

"Never better," Yeji replied, rubbing her eyes to wash away the sleepiness.

With that same smile that was much brighter than the sun itself, the boy in front of her exclaimed, "That's wonderful to hear!"

Yeonjun then placed the omelets on the table, to which Yeji smiled a little, "Thanks."

It was a short form of gratitude, but Yeji truly meant it. She was ever so grateful that he actually didn't murder her and even woke up early to make her breakfast.

As usual, the man had a big smile on his face. And this time, so does Yeji. The two have this unspoken connection that they cannot explain, but they enjoy. Yeji smiled at this smile. Something about Yeonjun's smile made her feel warm and comfortable inside. The smile that stretched upon his lips and vibrates in spirals around the room. It was so bright that the sun could lose its job. His smile was like the sunshine and the blooming of a beautiful sunflower. And for the first time in her life, Yeji felt that she wanted to smile like that.

It was beautiful.

Yeji looked at him awkwardly as she timidly picked up the chopsticks Yeonjun had laid out for her. Hesitantly, she gave him a small glance before picking up a piece and putting the omelet into her mouth, biting into its luscious delicacy.

The man smiled as he watched her eat. He even started looking forward to making her breakfast in the future. Yeji wasn't sure why, but it made her happy that he enjoyed cooking for her.

As she tasted it, her eyes widened in an instant. It doesn't taste like your average, homecooked omelet— and by ten minutes, Yeji had finished everything on the table; no signs of leftovers. It was delicious.

"This omelet doesn't taste like anything that I've had before. What is it?" Yeji asked as she chewed, smiling at the joyfully crunchy texture in her mouth.

"I just made it how everyone would make it," Yeonjun replied, shrugging.

Yeji rolled her eyes as she raised her eyebrows, "Liar. No way!" She eyed him warily, her lips curling back. Placing her chopsticks down abruptly and slammingY her hands on the table, Yeji leaned closer to Yeonjun's face as she tilted her head, "Is there a secret ingredient?"

Yeonjun, shocked by the sudden proximity, leaned back slightly as another beautiful smile curved up his lips, "I don't know? Love?" He declared, although it sounded rather like a question.

Yeji internally gasped. Although she knew he meant nothing by it, she couldn't help but blush a little.

"I always make my dishes with love. Grandma told me love is the key to happiness," he explained, lifting Yeji's used plates and walking to the sink, where he placed them down gently, careful not to make a scratch.

Yeji watched him, speechless, as he turned around and gave her a genuine smile.

She smiled back, her eyes widening. Yeonjun was so full of life. He was so... happy.

Moments later, Yeonjun sat back down in front of her just like before, "You told me you were robbed yesterday?"

Yeji could tell that he was careful not to sound rude. Though, she doesn't know how she could think of Yeonjun as rude. Since yesterday, he was the complete opposite. But nonetheless, Yeji nodded shamefully, "Yes, and I do not know where I am."

Yeonjun nodded his head in understanding as he stood up, holding out a hand in front of Yeji, "Would you like me to take you home?"

Although reluctant, Yeji reached out her hand slowly, softly grasping Yeonjun's hand in agreement, earning a smile from the male.

"And I could help you get rid of that dead rat, too!" Yeonjun laughed, which made Yeji scrunch her nose a little, "Oh, shut up!"

Yeji laughed as she stood up. She couldn't help it. She felt her cheeks flush and her body relax, "Thank you so much for everything you've done for me."

And before she knew it, Yeji was back at her apartment. This time, with Yeonjun beside her. The two walked inside as Yeji opened the door to her unit, to which Yeonjun scrunched his nose at the terrible smell. He looked at Yeji, his face showing obvious signs of disgust. Yeji looked at him with a defensive expression, "Don't look at me. This is the rat's fault."

Yeonjun grinned before covering his nose and mouth with a napkin and opening the bathroom door, the smell intensifying as Yeji gagged and ran outside.

Yeonjun scooped up the carcass of the dead rat and gave a short "ugh" in distaste before leaving the flat and dumping it out. He then came back and gestured Yeji to come back in. Although the stench wasn't completely gone, it was definitely better than before.

"Do you have a room freshener or something of that sort?" Yeonjun asked. Yeji nodded aggressively before handing him a container of lavender freshener.

Yeonjun sprayed the spray to every corner of the house before handing it back to Yeji, "There," he smiled, "all better!"

Yeji sighed in relief as she plopped down on the couch, "I really can't thank you enough. I don't know what would've happened to me if you didn't get rid of that rat for me," she said shyly.

"Also, terribly sorry about the place. I'm barely home; juggling school and my part time jobs and all that."

"No worries!" he said optimistically.

Yeji sighed as she realized she was supposed to come to her late night shift the night before. Squeezing her eyes tightly, she remembered that her boss had entrusted her with closing. But of course, she never showed up.

Yeji's boss wasn't exactly a pleasant man. He was temperamental, arrogant, and incredibly sexist, and he let everyone know it. He screamed at his employees a lot, too. Yeji despised him.

She hated how much she was starting to dislike this whole 'living situation' she was in. It was just so hard, having so many different influences in her life. But she couldn't do anything about it. After all, at the end of the day, she was just a 16-year-old.

"I would offer you something to eat and drink, but I barely have enough for myself. I'm sorry," Yeji told Yeonjun who only smiled in response, "It's really no big deal! But are you sure you're okay?"

Yeji pulled off a small, awkward smile, "Oh, don't worry about me! I've been fine, and I'll continue to be fine," she said reassuringly.

Yeonjun nodded before widening his eyes as he saw the clock, "Shoot. I'm going to be late for my shift! I'll see you around?" he asked frantically, searching around for his stuff.

As the man was about to leave, Yeji exclaimed, "It's Yeji!"

Yeonjun looked at her, confused. Yeji shook her head frantically, realizing that what she said didn't make sense.

"I'm Yeji, nice to meet you, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun smiled at her again, "Yeji, that's a beautiful name."

And after that, he was gone. As Yeji swung her apartment door closed shut, she took small steps towards her bedroom and flopped down on her bed, staring at the plain white ceiling. It sure was nice to be home, but not so nice to be alone again.

As the clock ticks and time passes, Yeji sighed as she realized she'd never gotten the boy's contact information nor social media. As her eyelids get heavy and a small yawn escaped her lips, the young girl wondered if she'd ever see the boy again.

— chap end

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