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woooo lezgo

"You're," Yeji gasped, tilting her head to the side as she walked closer to examine Yeonjun's features

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"You're," Yeji gasped, tilting her head to the side as she walked closer to examine Yeonjun's features. "You're convenience store boy!"

Yeonjun laughed, "I'm surprised you remembered me."

Yeji shook her head as she took a seat in front of him, "I should be saying that! I'm surprised you remembered me!"

Lia looked at the two in confusion, "You two know each other?"

Yeonjun grinned as she looked at her, "Yeah," he answered. "It's a long story."

Yeji nodded in agreement, "A long and embarrassing story."

Soobin who was Lia's date, then spoke up, "Well then," he started. "I believe we have a topic of conversation already! Why don't you enlighten us?"

Lia sat beside Soobin as she nodded in agreement, eyeing the other two with curious eyes, "You should enlighten us, indeed."

"No way!" Yeji laughed. "I don't want to relive that night! It was embarrassing enough!"

Yeonjun laughed, "Come on! It's not that embarrassing."

"Yeah, for you," Yeji retorted, rolling her eyes. "Although I appreciate what you did for me, the reason of our meeting was so embarrassing. I think it'd be best if we just let it go."

"Seriously," Lia replied. "You're making us so curious!"

"Some things are meant to be kept secret, I guess," Yeji shrugged. Lia and Soobin looked at Yeonjun who also shrugged, "Why are you looking at me? Look at her!"

Yeonjun turned to look at Yeji, who was staring at him. "Don't you dare," Yeji warned, her voice threatening and lurking with murderous intent. It sounded like a threat almost. Though Yeji wasn't particularly stern, Yeonjun could tell that behind those words were swords that would not hesitate to decapitate him. It was one of those passive aggressive threats that just makes you want to look over your shoulder and check your surroundings to see if anyone or anything was out of place.

"Okay," Yeonjun relented.

The rest of the "double date" went well. They all chatted about random topics and ate food. It wasn't exactly the most romantic evening either of them had ever had, but it was a good night.

The next day at work, Yeji couldn't stop thinking of Yeonjun. She couldn't believe that after all those years, they met yet again in such ironic circumstance. Though, she wasn't mad about it. In fact, she was quite grateful that she got to meet him again.

"Strawberry Iced Latte and Caramel Macchiato. Will that be all?" She asked the random couple in front of her. The man smiled as he looked at the woman beside him, "Do you want cake, too, love?"

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