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"I thought you said you were gonna get better," Yeji breathed out as she grasped Yeonjun's hand tightly, a teardrop rolling down her face

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"I thought you said you were gonna get better," Yeji breathed out as she grasped Yeonjun's hand tightly, a teardrop rolling down her face. "What's it been? Days? Weeks? Months? Why are you still laying here like this."

The man's condition continued getting worse. He was so weak up till the point where he can barely utter out a word and can no longer move a single muscle.

And yet he still had that same smile on his face.

The same one with the one that he had when he first met Yeji. The same one he always had.

"Have you eaten?" Yeji asked as she took a seat beside the hospital bed. Yeonjun blinked twice, signaling that he has. The man then turned his head to his right side, motioning the infusion next to him. Yeji choked down a sob, "You don't deserve to suffer this much."

Yeonjun weakly raised his right hand, caressing Yeji's cheeks in a soft motion. He then smiled bitterly as he told her, "Yeji, I-I don't... Feel so good..."

To think that her name can roll out so beautifully from the man's tongue made Yeji choke on her tears. Yet she didn't know whether to feel happy or sad. Yeonjun had finally talked again, but the words he uttered out wasn't exactly good news—even if he said it while smiling. Yeji knew that he was now in immense pain, and it pains her to not be able to do anything about it.

"I'm sorry..."

The word felt so heavy on her lips, and she wishes that she could share just a little bit of his pain. If she could take away some of his pain, then he could feel better. She wished she could help him out. If only she could.

But she couldn't.

If only she could turn back time and change the future. Change the future into one that has him smiling, but not in a sense of pain.

But she couldn't.

The worst feeling in the world is when you know that somebody is in need of help and is in pain, but you aren't able to do anything about it.

"Hey, Yeji...?" Yeonjun whispered, weaker than ever as he forced himself to talk.

"Yes? I'm here," Yeji said softly, running her hands through the boy's hair.

"C-can I... Say something... F-for the last time?"

Yeonjun could barely utter out those words. He was stammering like crazy, but Yeji could just tell that it was a bad sign. Last time? What last time? What does he mean last time? Didn't he promise to stay with her forever?

"What? No! Hey! What do you mean last time? Choi Yeonjun!!"

The man showed a weak smile, "I-I can't... anymore... I-it hurts..."

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