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As time went by, the two got closer and closer, and eventually developed feelings for each other

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As time went by, the two got closer and closer, and eventually developed feelings for each other. Perhaps that feeling had always been between them; it has simply gone unacknowledged for far too long. It wasn't easy for Yeji to accept that she liked Yeonjun. She's never liked anyone in that way before. And for the longest time, she was not planning to.

It was only then that Yeji realized that perhaps she'd been in love with Yeonjun this whole time, and didn't even notice it. Or perhaps she wouldn't let herself notice, in fear of losing him like she lost her mother.

"So," Lia started, looking at Yeji with a mischievous grin, "what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing!" Yeji replied, blushing.

"Don't take me for a fool, Yeji. I know that look." Lia beamed with pride.

"Lia," Yeji sighed. "It's really nothing."

"Well, who is this 'nothing'?"

"Yeonjun," Yeji muttered without thinking.

Lia gasped as she clasped her hands together in delight, "I knew it!"

Realizing what she just said, Yeji's jaw dropped as she covered her wide opened mouth with her right palm, "You didn't hear that!" She yelled in panic.

"Oh, honey..." Lia cooed.

"Nothing, I said!"

"Well," Lia said, taking a large bite of her food, "why don't we go on another double date, then?"


"What? I think it would be fun. I mean, it's been a while since the four of us got together, anyway."

Yeji groaned, "Knowing you, you'd pull something unexpected and get me all caught up in your scheme."

Lia gasped, "Hwang Yeji, you wound me!"

"Heavens, no! In circumstances such as these, one must bepragmatic," she explained monotonously, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Though, should you like to referto the truth as 'wounding', then I suppose I can humor you."

Lia pouted, "But it's not the truth!" She retorted confidently. "In your words, it's a scheme. But in reality, I'm doing you a favor!"

Yeji rolled her eyes, "Favor my ass."

"Fine, fine, whatever you say. So, are you in or not?

Yeji sighed. Lia always had a way with words. It has been that way since they were little. Even if she were to decline, Lia would magically convince her to agree, no matter the circumstance. In the orphanage, the two were prone to misbehavior. Lia was primarily at blame. However, the shorter girl was always able to talk them out of trouble, so they never had to deal with precarious punishments.

Lia grinned from ear to ear, "Hwang Yeji, you know I always get my way!"

And so, Yeji found herself dressing up yet again for a double date. They had something called 'Chinese Takeout' for dinner, and the four of them sat out on Lia's balcony, overlooking the downtown cityscape.

Soobin had suggested they drink to celebrate such a wonderful night. When Yeji declined, Lia managed to convince her to live life for a day.

Soon enough, empty wine bottles started to scatter across the floor. Yeji wasn't a lightweight. She's drank before; back in her delinquent days. Back then, she found thrill in doing things she wasn't supposed to. Perhaps it was because she lived a controlling life in the orphanage, so escaping that hellhole gave her so much freedom. And she wanted to make the most out of every second.

But Yeonjun, on the other hand, wasn't really much of a drinker. He was a responsible kind of guy, who didn't really care for doing things he wasn't supposed to. Therefore, it wasn't surprising when Yeonjun started muttering incoherent words and poorly formed sentences. Yeji knew it was the alcohol, but she couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked. Swiftly taking her phone out of her back pocket, the female clicked on the camera app and started recording.

"What are you doing?" Yeonjun hissed. He was obviously not enjoying his drunken state.

"Recording you," replied Yeji, rolling her eyes. "This may be good blackmail material."

On the other side of the room, Lia and Soobin were dancing to non-existent music. In fact, they were yelling the supposed 'song' at the top of their lungs. They looked like two mad hyenas, howling and grunting, completely ignoring their surroundings.

Being the only sober one, Yeji couldn't help but laugh at the scene. And man, she doesn't remember the last time she'd laugh this much. She felt so free, so happy. She may have even shed a tear or two.

"Yejiii...!!" Yeonjun whined, his words dragging out like someone who just got out of bed. "Don't record me!"

"I can't miss seizing the opportunity," Yeji remarked, her camera still faced towards Diego.

"Fine!" He huffed. "I'll let it go just this once because you're cute!" He grabbed the phone out of her hands and put it on the table.

"I'm what?" Yeji asked after a moment of silence. She was flabbergasted.

"Cute," Yeonjun clarified. "You're cute."


She didn't know what to say. This was so bizarre, yet so wonderful. Yeji felt like she was on cloud nine. In the middle of all this, Lia and Soobin kept on dancing, their movements more erratic with each passing second. Yeonjun looked at the pair and laughed as he pointed at them, "I will marry you before they marry each other!"

Yeji started laughing at his comment, even though she didn't understand what he meant. Lia and Soobin continued to dance, as if they had no clue what's going on around them.

"Yeonjun, you're drunk," Yeji sighed. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm not drunk!" Yeonjun yelled, but no one paid him any attention.

"You have a little slur to your speech."

"I speak perfectly fine!"

"Every inebriated person would say that."

Yeonjun whined at this, his lips forming a small pout and his eyes droopy, "Don't use big words, I'm drunk!" He exclaimed, his voice dragging along sleepily, completely contradicting his previous sentiment.

"You just said you weren't drunk, you hypocrite!" Yeji spat, her eyes rolling in laughter as she snorted a little.

Yeji hadn't felt this way in a very long time. She might have even forgotten what it felt like to be that happy. But one thing was certain, she'd never forget about this night in her life. But even so, she knew that Yeonjun was drunk, and that all the words sprouting out of his mouth were under the influence of alcohol.

"Yeji, I like you...!!"

That one sentence, said with such serious intent, snapped her back to reality. She felt his eyes on her; she could see his lips moving, but she could barely understand a word he was saying. But somehow, she knew that this was serious.

She looked back at him, and he was looking at her. There was a question in his eyes. But she knew he was drunk.

"You're drunk," Yeji snapped. "Go get some rest."

Without another word, Yeji grabbed her things and left the apartment.

And she didn't look back.

— chap end
drunken confessions >>>>>
just me?? okay

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