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Friday nights were Yeji's favorite

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Friday nights were Yeji's favorite.

She worked the evening shifts every Friday, but after her shift was over, she had the weekend all to herself (and Yeonjun, of course). No obligations, no serving customers in front of the register for hours, and no one to yell at her if she screwed up. And the best part was, Yeonjun was always home to welcome her when she gets back and shower her with sweet compliments and words of affirmation (sometimes some kisses, too!)

In the occasional rainy nights, they would drive around the city for an hour or so, just the two of them. On a Friday night a few weeks after Valentine's Day, the two decided to do just that. The sky was overcast, with fat droplets of rain pinging against the windshield. Yeji enjoyed the damp air, the way it made her skin tingle. Yeonjun, on the contrary, quite disliked the feeling.

Though he'd put up with it; for Yeji's sake.

The streets of Seoul were practically empty at this hour. A few late-night revelers stumbled out of a bar, blinking in the harsh streetlight as they staggered around the wet pavement. A group of teenagers darted out of a 7-Eleven, running in spurts towards a bus stop. They were laughing and talking amongst themselves, enjoying the mild weather and the rainy February night.

As they drove along, Yeji pointed out all the different spots in the city she found romantic.

"Do you know what they call this district?" Yeji asked, pointing at an area just outside the city center.

"The Artists Quarter?" Yeonjun said reluctantly. "I don't know, I just made that up."

"No, not that," she said. "It's called the Lover's Walk."

Yeonjun laughed, "Did you just make that up?"

Yeji shrugged, "Maybe," she said. "But it's a nice name, don't you think?"

"Yeah, if you're a pigeon."

"Or a couple humans who just happened to be in the area."

Yeonjun turned to her, "That's stupid."

"So is calling it the Artists Quarter."

"Fine, we'll just call it 'Pigeon Walk'."

Yeji laughed at that, smacking Yeonjun's shoulder lightly, "You're actually such an idiot."

Soon, the car was filled with laughter. The road was dark and quiet, aside from the sound of the car and the patter of rain on the roof. The district the two were apparently calling 'Pigeon's Walk' was a well-known tourist destination, with restaurants and bars lining the streets. The only problem was, the place was so popular, there were always a thousand people here at any given time. But because it was a rainy night, the streets were relatively empty.

The streetlight illuminated the wet, asphalt roads, and the steady drip of rainwater from the gutters made a pleasant sound. In the distance, a bus belted out its horn, announcing its arrival at the stop up ahead. It was quite odd to see 'Pigeon's Walk' so empty like this.

"Pull over," Yeji said. "Let's walk in Pigeon's Walk!"

"Yeji, it's raining," Yeonjun argued, his voice laced with a sigh.

"I know," replied Yeji. "I brought an umbrella."

Yeonjun groaned. "Fine, let's go."

The two got out of the car and stepped into the downpour. They held their heads over their umbrellas as they walked.

"This is nice," Yeji said.

"Yeah, it is," Yeonjun remarked. "I'm glad we decided to do this."

Yeji smirked and turned to look at Yeonjun, "So my idea wasn't so bad after all, huh?"

Yeonjun sighed and rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

As the two walked further into the streets, occasionally stepping on puddles and catching raindrops on their palms, Yeji leaned her head on Yeonjun's biceps and snuggled closer to his arm.

"When your grandmother died," Yeji started, quite reluctantly as she was scared to touch a sensitive topic. "Sorry, I shouldn't..."

"It's fine!" Yeonjun beamed. "You're my girlfriend! You can ask me anything."

Yeji gave him a soft, but genuine smile. "When your grandmother died," she repeated. "You had nobody left, and yet you still managed to stay happy. How?"

Yeonjun smiled, "Good things come and go," he replied. "I had hope."


"Yes. Hope. I believed that anything was possible. I believed that my happiness would soon be restored."

"How can you hold on to something as uncertain as hope?" Yeji asked, tilting her head a little in confusion.

"It worked, didn't it?" Replied Yeonjun. "Hope gave me you."

Yeji's cheeks flushed, and she quickly stepped away from him, "You're an idiot, Choi Yeonjun."

— chap end
this was quite short i'm sorryyy T-T
anw, this chapter was inspired
by a real-life event that happened
to yours truly (aka me hehe)

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