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my flop era fr

The rain dropped like metal curtains in a hurricane

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The rain dropped like metal curtains in a hurricane. The black skies covered the moon, and the raindrops danced upon the roofs that Friday night. Yeji unlocked the door to their shared apartment, feeling quite excited. She had just got back from her evening shift, and rainy Friday nights equaled rainy Friday drives with Yeonjun.

But as the girl entered the unit, Yeonjun was nowhere in sight. Yeonjun usually waited for Yeji to come home on Friday nights, so perhaps today was an exception. But the girl couldn't put her finger on why. She had had a good day at work, and her shift had ended early, so she was quite looking forward to surprising him.

Yeji took off her shoes and hung her coat on the coat rack, moving quickly through the apartment.

"Yeonjun?" She called. "I'm home."

No response.

"Are you home?" She called again.

No response.

Panic began to rise within her, and she began to frantically search the rooms. The bathroom. The bedroom. The kitchen. But he was nowhere to be found. Yeji looked through her messages multiple times to make sure she didn't miss anything. But there were no messages regarding Yeonjun's whereabouts. Yeji sat on the couch in the living room, mind racing, wondering what could have happened. Perhaps he had forgotten to tell her. Perhaps he had decided to leave her once and for all. As the girl pondered within her intrusive thoughts, the phone rang.

"Yeji?" The voice on the other line called.

"Lia," Yeji whimpered, her eyes glossy with tears. "I can't find Yeonjun. He didn't tell me where he went. I don't think he came home today at all. He wasn't there when I left for work, and he's still not here now. Every Friday he'd always--"

"Calm down," Lia said softly. "Breathe."

"But I... But he... he didn't say anything. I--"

"He went out with Soobin, Yeji-ah. He's okay," Lia assured.

"He went out with Soobin?" Yeji repeated, which earned a hum from Lia.

"Where did they go?" Yeji asked.

"That's what I'm calling you about," Lia said. "Has Yeonjun been unwell recently?"

Yeji paused, trying to recall any strange occurrences or occurrences at all. "He's not eating as much as he used to. But he told me he was on a diet," she explained. "I think he had a stomach ache the other day, that's why he took some medicine. I think."

"No wonder," Lia said. "They went to the doctor. Soobin said Yeonjun was unwell."

"The doctors?" Yeji repeated, quite unsure of what to say. "Why didn't he tell me?"

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