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Four years had passed since Yeji last met Yeonjun

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Four years had passed since Yeji last met Yeonjun. She had just turned 20. Twenty-year-olds are often enrolled in college. However, Yeji lacked the funds to pay for her own education expenses. So instead, she worked as a barista in a local coffee shop. The job wasn't bad, and she had a few friends who worked there. But it wasn't what she wanted to do with her life.

That day was nothing different. Yeji woke up, got dressed, and went to work. In the last four years, she had managed to get herself a more decent place. It was no longer the run-down flat she had then. It was a tiny bit bigger, with everything essential for living completed inside. This time, she was not renting the place, she bought it. All with her own earnings.

She left her apartment and walked down the long walkway to the coffee shop, where she worked. It was a weekday, so the place wasn't too busy. A few other customers were there, but nothing like the weekends when the cafe was packed to the brim. There were a few employees there, including herself.

Settling behind the cash register, Yeji sighed as she began taking orders. Not long into her shift, a woman approached the cash register she handled. The woman was petite, and had beautiful auburn-dyed hair. Yeji had seen her before, but she didn't think the woman was a regular customer.

For a moment, Yeji wasn't too sure, but she remembered the woman from a few years back.

As realization hits, Yeji gasped. The woman in front of her simultaneously gasped as well.

"Lia?" Yeji exclaimed, not believing her eyes.

Ever since the two were abandoned by the orphanage, Yeji hadn't seen Lia. She had tried to look for the girl a few times, but without any luck. Yet here she was, standing right in front of her.

"Yeji? That's you, right?" Lia gasped, her eyes visibly widening.

"Yeah, it's me, Lia," Yeji responded, almost in disbelief.

"Holy...! How are you here?" Lia stammered.

"The same way you are, I imagine. I got abandoned by the orphanage, too, remember?"

Lia's eyes softened. Since they were kids, the two had such a strong bond, they were practically sisters. They've been inseparable and they would protect each other just like any sister would.

"I'm so glad to see you, Yeji-ah. I've been so worried," Lia said. "We have to catch up!"

Yeji smiled nervously, "Yeah, we should do that. We should definitely do that."

After her shift, Yeji hurriedly changed into her normal attire and walked out with Lia, who was waiting there for quite some time for her friend's shift to finish.

"I can't believe it's been five years since we last saw each other. It's been too long, Lia," Yeji remarked, sipping a bottle of mineral water to prevent dehydration.

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