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It had been fifteen years

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It had been fifteen years.

Fifteen really gruelling years.

As she shrugged off her coat and hung it on the adjoining hook, Yeji tossed her keys onto the little table by her mansion's doorway. Feeling the ache in the side of her head, she had a sneaking suspicion that she was about to have a migraine. Given the day she had, it wasn't shocking. Being "The World's Most Renowned Doctor" wasn't easy; there would inevitably be ups and downs. Her life hadn't always been a bed of roses.

There was a time in her life where a single day would bring with it more than enough bad days to last a lifetime. Especially without Yeonjun with her.

Yeji sighed as she looked up at the roof of her bedroom. For fifteen years, she had refused to pay a visit to Yeonjun's grave. She had a hard time visiting it, and even if she did, she would just cry uncontrollably instead of speaking to him. It was easier that way.

Lia had told her many times that crying over a dead loved one was normal, but it hurt like hell. She supposed that crying, and not speaking, was the only way to cope. But deep inside her, she knew that fifteen years is way too long; it's way too long to wallow in sorrow.

Yeji was somewhat progressing, she was aware of that; she got out into the world, obtained her degree, and became a doctor in an effort to advance, as Yeonjun had hoped. Perhaps someday, she'd find the cure to the disease that killed him. The disease that killed Yeonjun.

However, even then, Yeji didn't believe the void in her chest would ever be filled. At least not completely.

It still hurts to think of Yeonjun. His hand used to slip between her fingers with such ease, but instead, there was a chilly, empty gap there now. She made an effort not to think about it, though sometimes, she finds solace in her thoughts about Yeonjun.

Although it hadn't in a while, for a little period of time it appeared as though Yeji's world had stopped moving—and maybe it had. But with time, Yeji was able to find a little comfort in her thoughts. When she attends press conferences, she sometimes wondered if Yeonjun would be proud of her for them, and think about what expression he would have had if she had told him that the Yeji who didn't even go to college, could become a doctor now. Sometimes, she would walk into a store and find something she knew Yeonjun would have loved. Other times, she'd see a random couple on the streets, and remember how Yeonjun used to hold her in the same way. While it broke her heart that he wasn't present to enjoy these little moments with her, Yeji was grateful she still remembered his preferences.

Yeji stepped into her bedroom as she plucked a bottle of pain medication from the shelf. Taking pills every day had become second nature to her, and sometimes she even forgot she was taking them. She took the pain pills and washed them down with a bottle of water before falling onto her bed. It wouldn't be long before she would feel the effects of the pills as they dulled the pain in her head.

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