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he world hated Felix; couldn't he just have sex without having a vision? No, apparently not.

"Hmm, so you just left him there?" a blonde British man asked, staring down Tommy, who was leaning back against the door frame.

"I mean, you said to make contact, and I did," Tommy answered with a shrug.

"After you had sex with him?" the other many sneered, only for Tommy to take a small step back. "I'm not angry, Thomas. I'm just wondering how a psychic couldn't tell you where a vampire is if you had sex with him."

"He's on vampire blood. One of his friends," Tommy said, uncertainty evident in his voice as he watched the older creature in front of him, "Listen, am I good to go, Klaus?"

The other man paused before smirking, "Yeah, I'm sure the little psychic is having a vision now, assuming the vampire blood is out of his system. So," Klaus turned somehow, looking right where Felix was standing in this vision, "Hello there, Felix Rhodes. My name is Klaus Mikealson, and I have a very strong feeling you and I are going to be meeting very soon, in fact I think you are going to help me out with something very important," he said, a smile full of teeth and eyes flashing something cold and scary.

Felix awoke with a start, the bed empty next to him, his breathing coming out in quick unsteady puffs. "Fuck," he growled, eyes scanning over the place, waiting for the vampire not quite his brain whispered... the creature called Klaus to pop out at him. "Fuck!" He shouted, standing up from the bed, quickly grabbing his pants and pulling his shirt over his head.

"This is why you can't have nice things, Felix," he muttered angrily, "because when you do, you forget you're a psychic that every vampire either wants to fuck or fuck with." Felix's semi-internal and external monologue continued as he quickly made his way out of the hotel, ignoring the intrusive thoughts of the guests and workers he passed.

"Answer the phone," he growled, staring at Damon's name, blinking back at him.

"Felix! Just the psychic I was waiting to hear from!" Damon's cheerful voice answered, and Felix did not try to stop the eye roll that came with that comment.

"Listen, Damon, I need-"

"Sorry, Felix! The blood bank is closed today. Stef, Elena, and I need your help with a little vampire problem," Damon said, cutting the teen off. Felix frowned, "Speaking of your little thing for my blood, what did you do yesterday? Visions weren't too bad?"

Felix frowned, only half listening to what the vampire was saying instead of focusing on the first part of his sentence. "I just had some of Stefans. And I wasn't going to ask for your blood, not right away," he added.

"You drank Stefan's blood?" Damon repeated after a moment. Felix heard some movement from the other side of the phone and a voice that sounded like Elena shouting Stefan's name. "Come to the house." That was all Damon said before hanging up. To be honest, Damon's request kind of pissed Felix off further. It wasn't like Damon didn't get anything out of their transactions, Felix was giving up his blood, too, and Damon never seemed to complain about it. Now he wanted Felix's abilities... like always... and with that thought, something twisted in his stomach as he picked his car back up.

Felix's foot tapped anxiously as he stood outside the Salvatore house, the vision of Klaus still flashing in his head and the fact that he apparently had sex with a vampire last night. While some of Felix assumed he would eventually be having sex with a vampire, he was not planning on it being last night... with Tommy... a vampire... apparently.

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