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Felix was cold. He hated being cold. The forest was covered in snow, and the doors were half underground, and he knew he would be unable to open any.

"I had hoped you'd outrun this fate," Cordelia said, appearing from somewhere behind Felix. He couldn't bring himself to look at her, instead bringing his hands back up to his throat, finding no mark. But you couldn't see."

"Like my visions would have helped me," Felix said, his voice sounding strange to his own ears, too hollow and echoey. "I saw the curse breaking, I didn't see myself fucking dying."

"You'll see it all now, for the remaining time you're human," Cordelia answers, and she too sounds wrong. Her voice shifts, mixing with other voices, with the sounds of doors and trees, with the whistle. Goodbye, Felix Rhodes. May the earth weep at your rebirth."

"What does that-"

Felix sat up suddenly, hands on his burning throat, his neck missing the gash that had ended his life. Hisalivefelixfelix-sorry

"Shut up," Felix spat, eyes landing on the wide-eyed John, the voices of Bonnie and Jeremy echoing underneath the relief being presented by Damon. "Fuck," Felix groaned, his throat burned and his gums ached. He pressed his fingers against his still dull teeth, but he knew knew that underneath the surface they were changing, just like he knew in every sense of the word why his throat burned.

"Felix, shit, Felix, Im so sorry," and suddenly Damon was around him, arms cradling his face, and he could see everything Damon was and would be. Could see the boy and the monster, could see the black of infection taking away his life.

"You're dying, we're dying, Damon," Felix whispered, looking into his blue eyes that he could see closing.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian, but I need to go," his mother said, frowning at the young man standing before her, staring at the witch that had come to collect them. "I told Klaus I would. This is not your fault."

"Mom," Felix choked out, tears in his eyes, "He has my mom, Damon. We have to go," he said, his limbs feeling too heavy and too light, like he could run for a hundred years or sleep for a hundred more.

"Felix, baby, you aren't thinking clearly. I'm so sorry," "He wants to take my place," Jenna says, looking up the cliff where Stefan stood with Klaus.

"No, Damon. He's going to kill Stefan. We have to go," Felix says, his eyes wild. Johns's life for Elenas "It'll work, your spell," He says to Bonnie, and it hurts to look at her knowingknowing what could happen to her. "We have to go," Felix says, and he grabs Damon, seeingknowing "You can't leave him, not like Enzo," And Felix is speaking without really knowing, "You can't turn it off again. Death is not the escape for you." Damon is stiffening in his arms, and Felix is not there.

Damon's helping him stand. Klaus is desperate for a family, an outsider, alone forever. Bonnie performs the spell. Trappedtrappedtrapped They're leaving, and Bonnie tries to talk to Felix, but he does not feel like he can still be Felix. His throat burns, and he can see it all. The world is shifting and turning; he can see the earth now, and when it's gone, it has exploded by the sun. Vampires will die just like humans then. Gone. He can see the world before, he can see the emptiness of space before. The nothing. The everything.

Who is Felix?

"It's so much," Felix mutters. Damon looks at him from the driver's seat. Bonnie leans forward from the back and looks worried.

He tries to see his mom. He sees her and his dad yelling at each other, and he sees him raise his hand. Liz is there, and she's shoving him back. Caroline is pulling him away, and he's too small to understand. He has nightmares of his dad hurting his mom; he doesn't know if those weren't nightmares but instead, the truth he wasn't allowed to see. He sees his mom lying in a bed, sick, dying. He sees Liz beside her. He sees the two of them happy, for brief stolen moments. He sees them young, before husbands and children, holding hands. Happy. Together.

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