09: Goddamn Vampires

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Felix awoke suddenly and with no preamble, but with Elena staring down at him, except there was no way this was Elena. "Kathrine?" He tries instead.

Kathrine grins at him, self-deprecatingly tinged with a tragic look of sadness. "Part of me hoped we would never see each other again," she says, causing Felix to furrow his brows at the other woman.

"Have we met before?" he asks, sitting up to glance around a small apartment, the walls lined with history textbooks. It's Alaric's place, he assumes.

"No," she says, "I knew your ancestors, killed one, to be honest with you, kid."

"Not a kid," Felix mutters, standing to walk around the room, "God, he's such a temperamental dick." Katherine laughs suddenly at that, "So, can you not leave? I'm assuming you'll stop me if I try to leave?"

"Not quite, I can't leave, but you are free too," Katherine says with a hum, heading into the kitchen to grab herself a bottle of Alaric's whiskey. "Want some?"

"I can just leave?" Felix asks, wandering after her, searching his brain for any lingering compulsions, finding no hazy parts in his memory.

"Yeah, I think it was just to show Damon he could take you. Apparently," Katherine laughs, "Damon was not impressed by Klaus and well, you've lived with him, Klaus does not like to be underestimated." She poured two glasses, sliding one over to Felix, "I'd wait a bit though, Damon is sure to come for you, and well, I have some information you may want to know."

"Why would you help me?" Felix asks, sliding onto the island's barstool, grabbing the whiskey, and cringing at the burn as he takes a sip.

"Because it's like you said, Klaus is a temperamental dick," she says, grinning sharply at him, the predator that tormented his friends flashing before his eyes for the briefest moment. "So, you know that to break the curse, Klaus needs to sacrifice a wolf, a vampire, and a doppelganger, but that's not all he needs." Felix frowns, "He also needs a spirit guide, a sacrifice to appease the fates. He needs a psychic."

"What," Felix says, the familiar feeling of panic working its way up his chest, the burn of his heart as fear sets in, "Fuck, he's going to use me, isn't he?"

"I would assume so. Why else has he kept you here?" Katherine says, finishing her drink in one swig and gesturing for Felix to do the same. "Listen, Felix, I don't want you to die. I like you even more, so I want Klaus to lose. So, I've got a proposition for you before Damon gets here. The full moon is in less than 24 hours, so I'll give you some of my blood; I'll let it slip to Klaus that he won't be able to sacrifice you, and it'll fuck everything up. In exchange, let me have some of your blood; there's vervain in it, right?" Felix nods, considering, "That way, I'll be able to get out of here too."

Felix's silent for a moment, thoughts racing. He didn't want to die. "I don't want to die." He finished off his whiskey, "You think this will work? I don't want to die and return a vampire, either." Katherine nodded, and he wished he could read her mind and give himself a surefire answer that this would work. He said he would win in this battle of trying to outsmart a centuries-old villain. "Fuck it," he says.

"You'll need to drink a lot; that way, it'll stay in your system longer," Katherine says, her face breaking into a grin that reminded Felix of Damon; he always wondered where Damon took inspiration for his villain persona. "You first," she says, hopping onto the countertop and swinging her legs so they were boxing Felix in. He wondered how this looked if Klaus was to walk back right now, Felix between her thighs. If Damon were to arrive to see his toy drinking in Katherine, Felix wondered if it would remind him of himself.

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