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diner also starts with a D

History. Felix was hunched over, dark bags under his eyes as he stared at his notebook, that was filled with notes on Katherine, or Katerina. Felix had successfully avoided Stefan all morning, and even though the teen was currently sitting right next to him, Elena was distracting him. He in no way wanted to be alone or even in the same room as the vampire, who he could feel casting quick glances at him.

The young teen hadn't slept much after removing himself from the roof, instead electing to make his way to the Mystic Falls Library, open 24/7. He had missed the comet's full pass over the sky and had been unable to find anything on a Katerina Petrova or a Katherine Pierce. Exhaustion was warring on the young man as Mr. Tanner called his name suddenly.

"Mr. Rhodes, are you paying attention or should I not even bother to ask you," the man snarked, glaring at the young boy who finally looked up from his notebook.

"Sorry, sir. What was the question?" He asked, not even bothering to try and look sorry for the man.

Mr. Tanner scoffed, "When did World War 2 end?"

"1945, sir," Felix responded, not bothering to register the look of shock passing over the mans face before he was back to his notebook, trying to clear his head and summon any form of vision to give him insight on what he was looking for. He was only granted a small headache for his efforts.

In front and beside him Elena and Stefan where whispering to each other, Felix had to repress a flinch when Stefan leaned closer to him in order to talk to Elena, knowing the vampire he probably noticed anyway.

"Miss Gilbert?" Mr. Tanner called, interrupting their little flirting session. "Pearl Harbour?" he repeated.

"Um," Elena started, clearly not knowing the answer. "December 7th, 1941," Stefan said, saving Elena from making an even bigger fool of herself.

"Thank you, Miss. Gilbert," Mr. Tanner responded sarcastically.

"Any time," Stefan responded back, matching their history teacher's level of sass perfectly. Much to Felix's boredom this launched the two into a random date in history speed round, with Mr Tanner asking random dates and Stefan responding accordingly. He wondered how many times Stefan had been through High School, or if he really remembered all the events happening.

"Ha! It ended in '52!" Mr Tanner suddenly yelled, he was acting like a child and Felix wanted to bet that he was wrong.

"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53," Stefan repeated, staring down their teacher was getting more and more annoyed with the entire class.

"Look it up, somebody," Mr. Tanner spat, his arms crossed as he stared down his students, "Quickly."

Felix frowned as he pulled out his phone quickly typing in the question, "It was July 27th, 1953. Sorry, Mr. Tanner," he said, a lazy grin spreading onto his face as his history teacher fumed at the front of the class. A few students began to clap for Stefan and that was the end of that.

The rest of the day went by okay, until Felix finally found Caroline near the end of the day. She had been missing for most of the day and he frowned as soon as he saw her, a scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Caroline? Where have you been?" he asked, rushing towards her, his hand reaching out to grab the confused blondes arm. A flash of Damon appeared in his head and a rush of dread filled his body. "Did he hurt you?" he asked, his eyes scanning the school parking lot for the figure he knew was around.

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