Chapter {2}

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M/n pov
It is very early but I want to make sure my daughter gets up on time so she can help out the sullys, I gently shake her as she tries shaking me off, I then shake her violently causing her to flip off her hammock. I gasp " Oh my sweet child I am so-" I turn her over to see her still asleep. This child is just like her father, " My Daughter it's time to get up.." she still asleep " GET UP" she yelps at my tone of voice " Finally, now you need to get ready so you can help out the sullys and while you do that me and your father will make friends with Neytiri and Jake Sully" she nods and proceeds to get ready for the day.

Y/n pov
' Mother gave me a heck of a fright this morning' I rubbed my arms as I made my way over to Tsireya, I arrived and I see no one there " Hello?" " Yes?" I turn around to see Roxto and Aonung " O-oh uhm" Aonung smiles down at me " Have you seen Tsireya?" Aonung looks me up and down and opens his mouth but Roxto answers for him " She's gone down to get the sully kids" " Oh, okay Thanks Roxto" I ran past the two and fast walked to the Sullys

" Why did you say that?" Aonung said as he turned to Roxto, " What do you mean? I answered what she questioned because you took to long" Roxto snickered at Aonung

A few minutes later


" Okay everyone I'm going to run from down there and into the water" y/n said as she fast walked down " Okay us Metkayina will show you how to dive in" Aonung teased earning a grunt From Lo'ak Tsireya dove under first and as the two boys ( Aonung and Roxto) were going to dive in they heard someone " Watch out! I can't Stop!" Y/n slipped over her own tail and crashed into the two boys making them splash into the water.
She swam up to Tsireya and started to sign ' Sorry about that' she signed to the boys ' It's alright, are you alright?' Roxto signed back and she nodded back to him ' my tail hurts alittle but I'll be fine' the sullys finally dove into the water and started to swim to us, Tuk was trailing behind so I help her out a little but it wasn't for long since the sullys surfaced. We all looked confused to each other ' What's wrong with them' Aonung signed to us ' Those guys are bad divers' Roxto signed back to him ' Stop, They are learning' Tsireya said as she looked back up to them, Aonung dramatically rolled his eyes.

We all swam up and surfaced " are you alright?" Tsireya asked " Your too fast wait for us!" Tuk rubbed her eye as she finished what she said " Just breathe" Tsireya said and Y/n nodded in agreement.
Then finally Aonung surfaced " You are not good divers, Maybe good at swinging through trees but-" Roxto laughed with Ao'nung but that got cut off straight away when Tsireya slapped his head " Pft-" Y/n Stifled her giggle and carried on without trying to laugh at the slap.

" Come on bro" Lo'ak complained " We don't speak this finger talk, we don't know what you are saying" Neteyam added " Y/n and I will teach you" Tsireya said " Tsireya I-" " Where's kiri?" Roxto asked worriedly " Who?" Aonung said " Kiri, where's kiri?" Roxto looked around frantically, Tsireya looked at Y/n " Did you see her?" " Uh I saw her go the opposite way" I pointed the way I saw her " She was admiring the ocean's beauty probably"

M/n pov
I made my way to the sullys with my husband f/n as we got there they looked at us as if something was wrong " Nothing to worry about just wanting to see if you wouldn't mind to get to know eachother a little bit, the two looked at eachother and then back to us " That sounds great, right Neytiri?" She nodded as they welcomed them inside.
" As you should know my name is M/n and this is F/n " Jake nodded as he reached out his arm for F/n to grab, he quickly grabbed it and shook it.

( after a while )
" Y/n all you got?" Jake asked F/n as he nodded " Yup and she's definitely a handful, when she was little she would always hurt herself, she was too adventurous for us to keep up, always in trouble" F/n took a sip of his drink ( Magic ) " one time we actually lost her and that was when M/n went rogue, desperate to find Y/n, we found her sleeping in a cove at a nearby island, she swam on her Ilu there" M/n chuckled " She certainly gave me a hard time looking for her" Neytiri smiled at this.
The woman gossiped more and they became closer, being good friends with eachother.

{Back to the children}
Ao'nung called out to the Ilu " These are Ilu, if you want to live here, you have to ride" he glanced at you as you were getting squashed by the wild Ilu ( in a hugging way) " Pick your pick " Y/n giggled out.
We all huddled around Lo'ak as he bonded with his Ilu " now go" Tsireya said and off Lo'ak went we all went under to get a better look and Lo'ak fell off quite quickly Aonung laughed under water and then he stood up and laughed as he looked around to his sister and friends to see if they were laughing, Y/n surfaced and laughed, Aonung glanced over to her and admired Y/ns features, he smiled softly at the girl as she shouts out to Lo'ak to see if he was okay, he heard a whistle coming from his friends as they all teased him about you " Shut it you Skxwangs" he hissed.
" Neteyam I can teach you if you like" Y/n turned to him " O-oh okay!" Y/n walked towards Neteyam with a Ilu " Let's see if you are better then your brother"

{1 hour later}
After swimming around with our Ilu we made our way to the surface and sat on a rock " We will now teach you how to breathe" " Breathe in" we all took a breath in " and breathe out " we all took our time breathing out as Roxto counted for how long to breathe out for.
Tsireya then put her hands on Lo'ak, on his chest and stomach.
" Breathe in" Lo'ak did as he was told " Breathe out from down here " Tsireya tapped gently on his stomach, Lo'ak took this time to admire Tsireya, " Lo'ak your heart beat is fast" " Sorry.." Lo'ak tried focusing again, Aonung groaned as he noticed with a slight chuckle from Roxto, Neteyam joined In chuckling with Roxto and Kiri looked at them with a disappointed face as she rolled her eyes.

Without Neteyam knowing Y/n put her hands on Neteyams chest and Stomach and he instantly sat straight and stared at her " Breathe in" he obeyed and did as he was told " Breathe out" he blew out " Neteyam your heart beat is fast too, must be a family thing" I mumbled the last part but everyone heard " No trust me it's an idiot thing." Kiri chuckled with Roxto.
Ao'nung stared at Y/n and Neteyam and he felt Jealous.

{ when it's nearly sun set}
We were having fun riding our Ilu mine and Neteyam and Aonungs Ilu were swimming together sometimes I'll be swimming with Neteyam then the next I'm swimming with Ao'nung. Y/n didn't complain because she was having so much fun.
She noticed that Tsireya was getting closer with Lo'ak like ALOT closer.
She smiled as their Ilu danced together.
We all swam to the surface. " You are all learning how to breathe!, let's go home and get some rest for tomorrow"
Tsireya said " Finally! I'm starving" Y/n raced off home and when she got to her pod she jumped on her fathers back causing him to fall " Wow!, Y/n!" He Chuckled " Dad! What's to eat?" " Your favourite!" Y/n Squealed in excitement.
{ Later at night }

Y/n pov
I woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep I groaned and stuck out to go for a walk at the shore, I stepped on my the sand, and walked along the shore line, I sat back on a nearby rock and closed my eyes drifting off.. that was until " What are you doing here so late?" I looked up in a fright " Aonung? What- what are you doing here?" He chuckled " Answer me first I'll answer you " I sighed " I just couldn't fall asleep that's all, so here I am," I look up at him " Your turn" he smirked and he sat next to me " Honestly, you woke me up I heard you " " Wha- am i that bad at sneaking?" He laughed softly trying not to wake up anyone, we talked more about random stuff going on in our life. Though I got tired so I put my head on his shoulder and looked at sea, he looked down and wrapped his arm around my waist bringing me closer.

I smiled and drifted off to sleep as Ao'nung did the same,
{ To the Morning }
I woke up and looked at my surroundings and saw the sea " Hm," I looked up to see Ao'nung staring at the reef as he looked back down at me smiling " oh no" I got up quickly, making Ao'nung confused " What? What happened " I turned to him and said " My mother will freak out if she doesn't see me at home" I ran to my pod while Aonung called my name, when I reached the pod I saw they were still asleep so I tried going back to my hammock but " Aha!, I got her" my father picked me up and I screamed I kicked him in the stomach causing him to kneel down and let go of me.

" My precious Daughter, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" My ears flatten as she raised her voice, " I-I took a walk on the beach and I drift off to sleep on the beach" I fumbled with my words " My daughter I thought I lost you yet again!, YOU ARE VERY LUCKY I HELD IN MY TEMPER THIS TIME" she hugged me as I hugged her back " I'm sorry mother" she shushed me and played with my hair. " It is alright now"

Hehehehh I finished

{ Eywa has Spoken } Aonung/Neteyam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now