Chapter {12}

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Y/n pov
I woke up and was greeted by my mother " Morning my child" I smiled " Morning,"
I got ready and headed out to the Sullys

I knocked on the pod and looked inside " Hello?" Jake looked up " Yes?," " May I borrow Neteyam?" " NETEYAM!" Neteyam showed himself and he looked at me " Morning Y/n, how are you feeling?" He asked " Morning and I'm good, follow me please" I took him Down to the sand "I'm sorry Neteyam but, My heart belongs to Aonung..." Neteyam looked hurt and he scratched his head and he sighed.

I looked down feeling bad " Damn, well that's alright, as long as your happy, I'll be fine" he put his forehead to mine and I smiled as he smiled back.
I said goodbye to him and looked for Aonung.

I found him hanging out with his friends, I inhaled and exhaled calming myself down as I approached him, " Aonung?" He looked to the direction of my voice and smiled " How are you feeling?" He tilted his head still smiling " I'm good, come and follow me" he looked confused but followed after me.

" What is it?" I huffed " Aonung..." he looked at me waiting for an answer "Oel ngati kameie.. ( I see you ) " I started to glowed ( blush ) as he chuckled " Oel ngati kameie, Ma Y/n" I smiled, he brought his face closer to mine lips almost touching, I closed the gap between our lips.

We both enjoyed the short kiss, I then looked at him and then he started to kiss my lips again and again " Aonung!, wait!" I giggled as he kissed my face and then he made his way to my neck, I then pushed him off " Aonung stop!" I put my hand on his chest as he laughed.

{A few weeks later}
" Aonung my love, I think its time to tell our parents about our relationship" Aonung sighed, he knew that his parents are stressed out since his new baby brother had just been born last week so they didn't know if they would take it well " Alright.." I kissed him on the cheek and held my hand out as he took it and we went off to tell our parents, first we went to my parents " Mama, papa I wanted you to know that I've been dating someone for a few weeks now.." they looked at each other and then back to me.

" I've been dating the chiefs son, Aonung" my mother gasped as my fathers jaw dropped " you can come in, my love" Aonung entered into our pod and sat next to me and he held my hand " Oh wow!" My mother said grabbing my hands " we are so happy for you honey, now can we have some words with Aonung?" I nodded and left the pod.

F/n and M/n looked Aonung straight into the eyes, " Take good care of our daughter Aonung, Don't break her heart or else" F/n pulled out his spear and put it to his throat  causing Aonung to get scared ( well duh )" F/n calm down put the spear down" M/n put her hands on F/n lowering the spear " I know you'll take good care of our daughter Aonung" M/n nodded and Aonung smiled at M/n. " Okay see you two later!" M/n went back into the pod as the two walked hand in hand.

" Was it a normal talk?" Y/n asked Aonung nodded " Pretty normal"

Y/n pov

We made it to Aonungs Pod, and we saw Tsireya carrying the baby making him go to sleep " oh, hey Y/n, brother" I came closer to the baby smiled down at him " Aw he's such a Handsome boy " I giggled as he tried to keep his eyes opened ( cuz he trying to sleep )  Aonung then looked shocked and hurt, I ignored his face as I turned to Tsireya " I'm dating your brother by the way" she gasped and she started to smile " That means we're like sisters!" Tsireya giggled quietly I smiled " where is Tonowari and Ronal?" Tsireya pointed to the room and we made our way to it, we knocked " Come in" we entered the room and we saw them laying in their hammocks, they sat up and looked at us, I heard Aonung gulp sharply and I huffed " we have some news we would like to share" Tonowari looked at his mate as Ronal looked at us " We are dating" I held Aonungs hand waiting for their answer " Oh" was what Ronal said, I looked confused " Well that's some good news" Tonowari said making us sigh in relief, Ronal nodded and smiled at us, I turned and smiled at Aonung.

{Few months later}
" What do you mean I can't come with you?!" I questioned angrily " You can't come!, it's too dangerous!, just listen to me, god dammit Woman!" Aonung yelled back, why were arguing in the first? Simple, he wouldn't let me go fishing with him " Just let me go with you!" I shouted back " No!, You cannot go! I-" " Aonung are you ready to go yet?" Aonung sighed and pointed at me " Now my love, Stay here" Aonung kissed my head and I pushed him slightly " I'll be back" I groaned and turned away, I waited until he was gone I grabbed my spear and basket and called out to my Ilu " Follow them but not too close" my Ilu made a noise and obeyed following them at a good distance.

I saw that they stopped and Aonung looked behind him so I quickly went under the water.

Aonung looked behind him making sure he was safe to hunt and making sure a certain someone didn't follow him " Okay, let's do this " Aonung and the hunting group all dove under to go catch some fish.

{ with Y/n} y/n pov
I was peacefully catching fishes, I was thinking about giving the fishes to mother and father so I tried catching a lot, when my basket was getting full I saw a big shadowy thing under my feet I called out to my Ilu and we surface, jumping out of the water with the big fish right behind us trying to eat us " HOLY SHIT!" I screamed catching someone's attention " Y/N!" I dove back under with the fish following me .

Aonungs pov
I heard a familiar scream, I turned to see " Y/N!" I saw a big fish trying to eat her so I chased after her quickly " HOLD ON MY LOVE" I screamed out as she tried swimming away from the fish, ' Reckless woman' I thought as I tried leading the fish away.

{ after all that }
Y/n pov
We made it back to the village and I already know I was going to get yelled at so I tried to escape " Y/n." I looked back and saw Aonung walking towards me, I tried fast walking away but he caught me, putting his hands around my waist " oh no" I muttered " I told you to stay home" I nodded " Yeah I know" " So?, why didn't you listen, you were nearly eaten!" Aonung slightly yelled as I hugged my basket full of fish " Well, I just wanted to, I like to go fishing!" I said hoping he would let this go because I have nothing else to say, he sighed and kissed me. " Fine I'll bring you next time." I nodded and kissed him once more, making out with him.

" Ew, go home and do that!" Aonungs friends laughed.

{A few years later}
Y/n pov
I snuggled closer to Aonung as he did the same, we then heard crying " Ugh, Aonung go to your son..." I mumbled turning to the other Side " Fine.." he got up and went into the babys room, he came back and put the baby with us.
I hugged the baby as he fell off to sleep, then I heard tiny footsteps " Mama, can we sleep with you too?" I nodded " yeah go on your dads side, they giggled and hopped on their father " Y/n..." he grumbled.

We now have 5 kids in our bed.
Our oldest Son= Tama, Our second son= Tiro'tay, Our third son= Omui and our youngest son= Tangaroa. And our unborn child,
I laughed gently as three kids were piled on Aonung looking comfortable as they all slept.

I drifted off to sleep.

The end
Chapter finished

{ Eywa has Spoken } Aonung/Neteyam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now