Chapter {3}

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Y/n pov
I saw Kiri looking at the sand in the water so I took it as an opportunity to get to know her, I walked up to where she was looking and she looked up " Oh, did you say something?" I shook my head " No, I just wanted to come over and see what you are doing." " Oh" she looked back in the water and smiled " Well I'm looking at the great wonders of Eywa," " Sand?" " Everything!, everything here is so beautiful" I nodded " I can agree with that " she smiled at me " You seem more friendlier then the others" she said " thank you" I responded, we talked more and we are quite good friends now " oh look your girlfriend is hanging out with a freak" Kiri looked at the boys that were coming and she groaned
" Y/n why are you hanging out with this freak?" One of Aonungs friends asked " I don't think she's a freak, she's quite nice" Aonung chuckled and walked past me and went straight to Kiri " Are you sure about that Y/n? She's not even real Na'vi!" He said trying to catch her hand but she swiftly took it away but he got it second try, " Look at her hand!" They all laughed at his comment but they were cut off " Back off, Fish lips" " Aw another freak" Aonung smirked at Lo'ak " Look at his little baby tail!" " Baby tail!" His friends chant " Stop it, Don't touch me!" Lo'ak pushed them all
But they only recoiled back that was until Neteyam showed up.
Neteyam pushed Ao'nung " You heard what she said, leave them alone" Neteyam said darkly ( hotly) " Oh big brother coming-" Aonung cut off his friend by putting his hand in front of his chest.

" Back off, Now, from now on I need you to respect my sister" Neteyam finished " Let's go" he said as the 4 of us left, but that was until Lo'ak decided to show Ao'nung a lesson " I got this bro" he walked up to Aonung " I know this hand is funny, look I'm a freak, alien" Aonung laughed lightly " watch, now first I ball it up into a ball like this and then" Lo'ak punched Ao'nung 3 times, I gasped and covered my mouth.

" It's called a Punch bitch, never disrespect my sister again!" Aonung stood back up and tackled Lo'ak to the ground, a fight was happening I then looked at Neteyam to see if he was going to do something but instead he joined in. Kiri laughed and I joined in after noticing that the Metkayina boys don't know how to punch but they instead just pull tails and hit them with their chunky tails.

After the fight happens I head to my pod and tell my parents what happened they both looked disappointed but they were happy I didn't get touched or else.
I was hanging around in my pod when I saw Lo'ak on his Ilu chasing after Ao'nung and his friends, ' They must be going fishing!' I grabbed my dads spear without him noticing and ran off to catch up with them but when I got over the reef they were already ahead, I groaned and told my Ilu to go follow them.

I finally arrived at where they stopped and my father and Ao'nungs father specifically said to NEVER come here to fish but it might be a good spot and maybe I'm just getting my locations muddled up.
I dove down and saw Lo'ak but the others were gone, Lo'ak turned around and looked confused until he saw me, he showed me what he caught and I gave him a thumbs up.
We surfaced " Did you see Ao'nung?" I shook my head " No, I did not I only saw that you 4 were going outside the reef" he looked around. I was thinking if this was the dangerous place what would be here, " Y/n" " Hm?" " so tell me do you like my brother?" I blushed at his comment ( Glow?) " w-why would you ask that?" He shrugged his shoulders " Well actually, he's quite nice and he's very handsome but I don't really hang out with him too much" Lo'ak chuckled and before he could say anything we were thrown up into the air by a massive killer fish, we dove down and we took cover, the fish turned to us and charged full speed.

M/n pov
I noticed Y/n is gone " Ma F/n do you know where our daughter is?" He shook his head " I've noticed my spear is gone maybe Ao'nung and Tonowari went fishing and Y/n asked to go" I nodded " I'll go check" I made my way to the chief , Tonowari and Ronal were spending time together " I'm sorry to interrupt but have you seen Y/n?" They shook their heads " Okay alright, maybe they are with the sullys" I walk off and my hope is thinning
I knock (?) " Yes?" I looked inside and see Neytiri and Jake spending time together " Do you know where my Y/n is?, is she hanging out with your children?" They shook their head " they are right here" all 3- " 3 children?" Neytiri questioned she noticed Lo'ak is missing " Ma Jake where is Lo'ak ?"
Neteyam got an idea and went outside to find a few boys.

Back to Y/n
We swam out of the previous space we were in and climbed in a more complicated and bigger space the fish was still trying to get us but then it suddenly stopped, my side started to ache for some reason but I pushed past it. I wanted a reward to show to my father and I thought ' It's teeth' before we leave I'm getting it's tooth I look behind me and see Lo'ak is struggling " oh no " I thought I looked around for a air socket but nothing I pointed upwards motioning to go to the surface he nodded and we left quickly, but that killer fish was after us, he was faster this time and I was prepared but then a massive force came and killed it, I smiled and went down to collect a tooth but then I remembered Lo'ak, he fainted so I quickly grabbed him and swam up. I was then sitting on something, " Tulkun," I then looked at its fins, it's missing one " Payakan..." I made sure Lo'ak was safe just laying there and he wouldn't slip off, I made my way to the eyes and I thanked Payakan for saving us, I then asked if Payakan can look after Lo'ak for a little as I went to collect a tooth he nodded in response.

M/n pov
" WHERE IS MY CHILD F/N?!" F/n tried to calm me down " Now, Now M/n, theres a search party looking for her They will find her." " it's been 2 hours f/n 2HOURS" I started panicking " THEY ARE DOING NOTHING, ILL FIND HER MYSELF!" I called my skimwing and went to the nearby island of where she was first lost.

F/n pov
" That Woman..." he scratched his head " uhm F/n sir" I turned to see Ao'nung and Neteyam " yes?" " I think I know where your daughter is.." I looked at him hopeful " Where is she boy?" " Three brothers rock." My heart stopped " No..NO" I called my skim wing and I went to fetch M/n " She will not like this news"

Back to y/n

I surfaced and showed Payakan " Cool huh?, this will look sooo good as an accessory" I leaned on Payakan, and then noticed it's fin. " oh my." I took out the harpoon and patted its fin, Payakan then blew out from his blow holes ( 💀 ) " Holy Shit" I heard " Lo'ak your alright" he looked at me and smiled I then jumped and hugged him causing us to fall into the water.

He then inspected the tulkun and then thanked him " The Tulkuns name is Payakan, he's and outcast" Lo'ak looked at Payakan with sorry eyes " but now that I've met Payakan he's a sweetheart" me and Lo'ak signed to payakan ' Friends' Payakan then ducked us under and splashed us. I laughed and we played with Payakan until sun set.

{ we arrived back }
My side was aching so much, I whined as we reached the reef " Dad? Mum?" I yelled out " MY BABY!" My mother yelled out as I rode with someone back to the village " Mum I-" I was tackled into a hug I whined as she squeezed me hard " Are you hurt?" " My side has been aching and I don't know why " she gasped " Your side has been cut open deep, ma F/n please take her back-" Ronal stopped M/n " I'll take care of her M/n, Neteyam you will bring her ( Bc Aonung is getting a growling yk yeah) " I turned to my father I handed him back his spear and smiled " Guess what dad " " What?" I showed him my tooth that I've received from the killer fish " You... mighty warrior!" He kissed me on my head " Go on, get healed up you mighty warrior!" I laughed as I was picked up by Neteyam.

" Set her down here please Neteyam" Ronal ordered " So tell me what made you go out there" I nodded " so first I saw Lo'ak going with Ao'nung and his friends outside the reef and I thought they were going fishing so I wanted to go but then when i got there I dove under and I only saw Lo'ak but then Lo'ak caught a fish and then we surfaced and then that massive fish came and nearly killed us so we swam through the coral escaping that thing, then when I thought we were safe Lo'ak was struggling and then after that i prepared to take on the killer fish but then a tulkun beat me too it" " A tulkun?" Ronal asked as she prepared the healing things " Yes, Payakan!, " she stopped " Payakan?!, Child you are lucky to survive twice!" Ronal exclaimed. " I know everyone says he's a killer-" " He is, He's an Outcast!" Ronal slightly yelled. " You Neteyam!, hold her hand" " Why?" " just do as I say" he nodded and hesitantly takes your hand in his. " This will hurt very much child so here." She put and wood piece in my mouth and before I could protest my side started to burn " RAHHHHHHHH" my scream muffled and I squeezed Neteyams hand hard causing him to yelp.

The end.
Of this chapter.

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