Chapter {7}

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Y/n pov
I dressed myself up trying to look my best, " My daughter, why are you trying so hard? I've never seen you try to look good ever" I looked behind to see my mother already dressed " I- got asked to be someone's date at the festival and-" my mother grabbed me and pulled me into a separate room ( magic ) " Honey, are we ready to go-" " just go without us!, don't drink to much!" Mother yelled at father " Wha- is something wrong?-" " JUST GO!" I heard father exit the pod quickly " now I'll get you ready, in the meantime you tell me who asked you out!" I groaned.

" Ow!, mother your pulling to hard!" My mother brushed through my hair " Oh sorry, just.. Hang in there..." " RAGGH" I screamed as my head was yanked back " Sorry..."

{ after that horrible experience }
" Wow" I heard my my mother " You look, *sniff* beautiful" my mother cried slightly " Ma M/n are you alright I heard crying I-" F/n barged back into the pod and was stopped as he looked at me " Wow, my Daughter, you look wonderful!" He hugged me gently and made his way to mother trying to stop her tears " I- I'm going to go.." I stepped out and made my way to the commotion " Y/n" I looked to see Roxto by himself " Roxto, what are you doing?" I asked as he scratched his head " Well I-, can you come with me to ask Kiri out?" I chuckled " Sure, Let's go!" I grabbed his arm and skipped our way there.

I knocked on the pod " Hello?" I looked inside and saw everyone getting ready " Kiri can I borrow you right now or when your ready." She looked confused and stopped what she was doing " What's wrong?" She stepped outside, I pointed to Roxto who was on the beach waiting for the girl. " He wants you" I whispered, she walked down to him. " hey Y/n, do you have a date to the festival?" Lo'ak asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder " Well duh, I tried my hardest to look this good" I posed " What do you mean, you look the same" " Aw thank you-" " Messy" I looked at him and put my hand up to his face " Don't talk to me Lo'ak" " I'm only joking-" " Nah" I cut him off as he laughed " so who asked you out?, was it Neteyam?~" I shook my head " No, Aonung asked me to be his date." Lo'ak looked shocked " wait, really?, but Neteyam-" " Y/n!, she said yes!" Roxto exclaimed " That's great!, now go home and get ready" I pushed him along " I'll see everyone at the festival!" I waved out to Kiri and Lo'ak.

" Hey bro" Lo'ak said to his Brother who was staring at the water " I thought you went to go ask Y/n out" Neteyam sighed " Well, I was but Aonung beat me to it" Lo'ak hooked his arm around Neteyams shoulder " well your better then Aonung" Lo'ak tried to encourage Neteyam " Thanks... Lo'ak" Neteyam smiled at his bother " No problem, I'm going to get ready, you should too"
Lo'ak patted Neteyams back and left him.

Y/n pov
It turned dark, I walked with my mother and father to the group of people, I saw Aonung and he smiled at me looking me up and down, I rolled my eyes, he walked up to me " You look absolutely Beautiful Y/n"
He said as he cupped my cheek I smiled softly with my cheeks glowing " Thank you Aonung, you don't look bad yourself" I giggled as he looked hurt " How dare you say that, I'm so hurt" he sniffed wiping an imaginary tear, " Fine, you look very Handsome Aonung~" I looked him in the eyes and cupped his face in my hands.

" Y/n!" I looked down to see Tuk, " Tuk!, you made it!" She laughed and circled around me " You look very pretty Y/n!" I smiled " Thank you Tuk, you look very Beautiful" " Come Y/n dance with me-" Aonung held me by my waist " Uh, Sorry but IM her date so I get the first dance-" I put a finger to his lips stopping him from talking " Sorry, but I did promise Tuk that I would dance with her first" Tuk poked the tongue at Aonung and grabbed my hand bringing me to where everyone was dancing.

Aonung huffed and stood by Roxto, " Why aren't you with Y/n" Roxto asked Aonung, " I got kicked by that small child!, Tuk" Roxto laughed as Aonung grunted " Skxwang where's your date?" He shrugged his shoulders " she should be here soon" Roxto said with a smile " Roxto!, Hey, sorry if I was a bit late" Kiri walked towards Roxto looking very beautiful " W-wow" she rolled her eyes " Let's go" she pulled him to another spot.
Leaving Aonung confused ' When did this happen' Aonung thought.

{ A few minutes passed }
Y/n dropped Tuk to her parents and made her way to Aonung " Okay, I'm ready now" he sighed " Finally" he grabbed my hand gently and led us to the dance floor, they danced away, having fun, Y/n grabbed some food and  fed some to Aonung and he licked her hand on purpose " ew Aonung!" She wiped her hand on his chest and laughed with Aonung,
In the distance Neteyam watched the two having fun, it made him angry and sad, wishing it was him instead of Aonung, His heart was aching.

Aonung saw his friends in the background they all snickered at him, he looked at you and back to them " I'll be right back..." Y/n was confused but nodded " Alright, I'll wait over there." Y/n pointed, Aonung nodded and went over to his friends.

Y/n watched him leave with his friends, I thought about Aonung, ' I wouldn't mind if he was my mate' I smiled as I thought about him and me together.

Y/n pov
' I've waited too long' I got up and brushed myself off and went to the direction of where Aonung was, I saw Aonung and his friends laughing so I hid behind a nearby rock to listen in to what they are saying.
" I can't believe you like her" one of his friends said " I don't, I'm just playing with her feelings, she's so easy to play!" Aonung laughed ' is he talking about me?' Aonung and his friends laughed once again " so when are you going to break the news to her" " soon, very soon." I felt tears coming down my face, ' Of course just when I think that he's my true love he doesn't love me back!' I started wiping my tears as I quickly ran off, not caring that I heard my name coming from Aonung.
' Stupid Y/n, Stupid, stupid, STUPID'
I cried more tears as I called out to my Ilu and commanded it to go under water telling it to go to the cove at the nearby island.

As we got there I immediately start crying again I hugged my knees to my chest and closed my eyes letting my sobs echo in the cove as the moon light shines down on me.
I then felt arms around me and I immediately grabbed my knife and put it to the thing " Woah!, calm down Y/n" I squinted my eyes trying to see as my eyes were blurry.

" Neteyam?" He nodded, he sat next to me and laid down " What happened? What made you come all the way out here?" I laid next Neteyam " Aonung, he played with my feelings, he never truely liked me, he's stupid I know, but I actually liked him" Neteyam looked to his side, looking at you with a hurt expression on his face " he is stupid, and you can do better" I chuckled " Better then the chiefs son?" Neteyam chuckled at my question, Neteyam then sat up and looked at me " Neteyam?" I sat up and looked at him, we stared at each other for a while, then Neteyam wiped my cheeks that where stained with my tears.

He sided hugged me and we stared at the night sky, " It's so beautiful, isn't it Neteyam" he laid back again but this time I laid on his chest with his arm wrapped around me, " Not as Beautiful as you Y/n" i glowed at his comment but a smile crept on to my face.
' maybe Neteyams the way to go' I snuggled into his chest as I drifted off to sleep.

{ Time Skip }
I was still in Neteyams hold, I woke up before him so I stayed in his hold until he wakes up.
I heard a groan so I looked up at Neteyam waking up " Morning, Neteyam" I smiled, he opened one eye then yawned " Morning, Y/n" he tightened his grip around my waist making me giggle " Neteyam!" I giggled trying to get out of his grasp.

He let go of me and I sat up, " Thanks for being there for me last night" he sat up and was about to say something but I kissed him on the cheek before he could say anything.
I backed away and looked at him, tucking my hair behind my ear " we should get back before our parents wake up and notice we aren't there" " wouldn't they know already" I nodded " But I have a chance since my parents were probably drunk" Neteyam hummed in agreement.

When we got back to the village we saw Aonung pacing back and forth on the sand " What are you doing, weirdo" Aonung stopped in his track and stepped towards me " Y/n!, Please come with me, I-I can explain!" I rolled my eyes " Aonung I don't care, what's done is done" I walked past him with Neteyam close behind " Ha, the look on his face" Neteyam snickered as he looked back at Aonung.

I looked back and saw Aonungs head hanging low, I felt a hint of guilt.

{ Somewhere Far south of the Islands }

Thats it for this chapter,
I'm going to start writing on the next one soon.
Sorry for spelling mistakes.
Chapter finished.

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