5.1 Growing Closer

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This was my first summer spent mostly cooped up in my room. It wasn't my usual style, but something about Sadie's presence in my life had changed everything. Ever since she gave me her number before the break, we'd been texting non-stop. It was like she was with me, even when I was alone. Having a friend like Sadie was a game-changer.

Sure, I had Liam, Carter, and Victor, but there were certain things I couldn't share with them because they just wouldn't get it. Sadie did, though. Over the summer, we grew closer, more comfortable with each other's company.

Entering school, my eyes naturally sought out Sadie. She always looked beautiful, but today there was something different about her. Her attire stood out—a pink dress instead of her usual jeans and top. I couldn't help but smile at her, silently acknowledging our connection, while gesturing to my friends to keep their distance. Sadie nodded in understanding, and I felt a surge of protectiveness towards her.

I didn't want her name tarnished by any association with mine, not because I was ashamed or embarrassed, but because she deserved better. She deserved to be shielded from the negativity that could come with it.

Later, during history class, I arrived late due to practice, earning a sarcastic comment from Ms. Spring, our teacher. I appreciated her laid-back attitude; she didn't take things too seriously.

As luck would have it, we were assigned pairs for our next assignment, and there was only one person left without a partner—Sadie. It felt like fate was constantly pushing us together. I took the opportunity to sit beside her, requesting her help with the assignment. She agreed, and we set up a meeting for the following day at her house.

The prospect both excited and nervous me. Tomorrow would be a significant day—one that could potentially change everything between us.

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