12 - Caught in the Middle

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I slowly opened my eyes to the sterile white surroundings of the hospital room, a sense of déjà vu washing over me. Memories of the last time I was here flooded my mind – the fall down the stairs, the throbbing pain in my head, and the overwhelming fear of the unknown. But despite the familiarity of it all, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort and safety in this place.

As my eyes adjusted to the harsh fluorescent lights, the first name that emerged from my lips was Noah's. But as the haze of sleep cleared, I realized that he wasn't there. Instead, it was Elena and Ruby who sat by my bedside, their faces etched with concern.

"Sadie, oh my god, you're awake!" Elena exclaimed, relief evident in her voice as she reached out to grasp my hand.

Ruby leaned in closer, her eyes searching mine for any sign of distress. "How are you feeling, Sadie? Do you remember what happened?"

I nodded slowly, the memories of the fall and the dizzying rush of emotions flooding back to me. "Yeah, I remember," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I... I think I slipped and fell down the stairs again."

Elena's brow furrowed with worry, her grip on my hand tightening. "We need to be more careful, Sadie. We can't keep letting this happen."

But before I could respond, a doctor entered the room, his expression grave. "I'm afraid that's not what happened this time, Sadie," he said gently. "Your fall wasn't caused by slipping down the stairs. It was due to constant stress, lack of proper nutrition, and sleepless nights."

My heart sank at his words, the weight of his diagnosis settling heavily on my shoulders. I had been so consumed by my own worries and fears that I hadn't even realized the toll it was taking on my body.

Elena and Ruby exchanged concerned glances, their eyes filled with worry. "Sadie, why didn't you tell us you were feeling this way?" Elena asked, her voice tinged with sadness.

I shook my head, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. "I didn't want to burden you both with my problems," I admitted, my voice choked with emotion.

But Elena pulled me into a tight hug, her arms offering comfort and reassurance. "You're not a burden, Sadie. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Ruby placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her gaze soft yet firm. "Sadie, you need to worry less about other people's problems and start focusing on your own," she said gently. "If you continue to neglect yourself like this, you're going to have serious health issues."

I swallowed hard, her words hitting home harder than I had expected. But before I could respond, Ruby continued, her voice filled with concern. "And please, be grateful that Mom doesn't know about this. You know how emotional she can get. We don't need to worry her any further."

"Sadie, honey, Elena, can we have a moment alone?" Ruby's request took Elena by surprise, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. As Ruby made her request for some alone time with Sadie, Elena's brows furrowed in confusion, her concern evident in her voice. "But Ruby, I—"

Before Elena could finish her sentence, Ruby interjected, her tone gentle yet firm. "Please, Elena," she insisted, her eyes meeting Elena's with a sense of urgency. "This is between Sadie and her family. We need some time alone."

Elena hesitated, her worry for Sadie battling with her confusion over Ruby's request. "But I've been like family to Sadie," she argued, her voice tinged with frustration. "I've been here for her when no one else was."

Ruby's expression softened, sympathy evident in her eyes as she reached out to place a comforting hand on Elena's shoulder. "I know, Elena, and I appreciate everything you've done for Sadie," she said gently. "But right now, she needs some time to talk to someone who's been like a sister to her. Please, trust me on this."

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