Chapter Three

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It's been a week since that humiliating event happened. It has managed to top the chart of the most humiliating events of my entire life and I have had a few.

Like the time I told this guy that I liked how I felt and he read the message and ghosted me. Because we vibed before that moment I almost went into depression thinking about what I
had done wrong. Or how my mom forced me to go on a blind date with this guy at her bank because he
always attended to her faster than the other customers.

I went on the date and he told me
he knows how desperate I was to be with someone and he would allow me to date him. He was a douchebag.
Every time I remember that night, I just want to disappear into thin air. There is one daunting part though and that's the part where I can't remember.

Of course, I'd like to
know how my first sex experience went but I can't remember. Although I feel bad about giving it up to a total stranger and that too, drunk. But it pains me that I have no memory of it. Nor do I know anything about the dude. That guy was beautiful to look at. I chew on my biro as I remember the way his deep eyes bored into mine that morning. How would his body have felt? I shut my eyes, creating a scenario in my head when I heard a loud bang on my table.

"Ayomikun, the boss wants to see you." Issac spat in my face Me? Why?" I asked, slightly irritated.

I have been going to my boss's office since he mentioned that the ownership of this place was going to change. So? His he the first person to sell his business.

"What? Aren't you the advertising manager?" I huff

No, I don't hate my job. I have been working here for 3 years and it doesn't feel like work anymore. My boss sees me as his daughter and I feel comfortable here. It's just that there's
been a lot of pressure with the coming of the new boss. Who out of the goodness of his heart says we could keep our jobs. I already do not like him.

He is taking advantage of my boss's situation and it hurts me. Years of hardwork and toiling goes to him. He gets to keep everything. I knock and enter.

"Good morning Sir."

"Good morning, Ayomikun. Come come." He beckons so I move closer.
"It's today. Are you ready." He says looking excited.

"For sure. We all are."

I forgot to mention it's the unveiling/swearing in today. We get to see the man who is taking over our company.

"How do you feel?" I asked my boss who looked happier than I had ever seen him.

"I feel good." He answered looking slightly confused

"Isn't it hard to let go of years of work and sacrifices. This place that you struggled to build." I said sympathizing with him

"Oh! Not at all. I am certainly going to miss it. But it's time for me to retire. I am giving this place to my son so it's still going to be in the family."

"Wait! So you are not selling it." I ask

"Not at all. My son Ireoluwa is taking over its administration. Like a breath of fresh air.

"And we are not bankrupt or anything like that?"

"Of course not. Who is feeding you all of these nonsense?" He goes back to opening a file with a smile on his face.
I shook my head and smiled. He told me to gather everyone in the conference room in 30 minutes for the unveiling and I hop down to the office with new found energy.

"Issac, who told you Oga was planning to sell this place." I asked him

"I assumed that is what was happening." He said and shrugged

"Well you are wrong. He is not selling, we are only changing bosses. God! Get your stories straight. Because of you I almost embarrassed myself in front of him."


I glared at him. This is what desperation to be with someone would do to you. I went on two dates with him and he doesn't respect me anymore. Thank God nothing happened between us and I get to keep some of my respect.

Issac is the most annoying person I have ever met in my life. I wish I had known sooner before agreeing to go out with him. He's still bitter about it. I'd kiss a monkey than go out with him again. I find out he's petty, vengeful and annoyingly persistent.

Quickly, I tell everyone about the meeting scheduled in 30 minutes. On my way to the office, I felt like I needed to go to the ladies. And it's not the kind of bowel movement I want to hold till after a meeting that I have no idea when it would end.

I almost bump into my co-workers already moving to the floor.

"Hey, where are you going? Are you okay." Feyi asked, grabbing my forearm.

"I need to go to the restroom. I'll join you in the conference room soon."

"Okay no problem. I'll cover for you. He said and I smiled.

That smile was what attracted me to Feyi in the first place. After the Issac mishap had happened, Feyi was the new hot guy to join us. I liked him immediately, he was calm, kind and organized. And he treated me with respect. He didn't mind that I was way up the ladder than he was like Issac who hated me for it.

I realized soon enough that office romance wasn't for me. Just like I didn't believe in being set up with anyone. I preferred meeting someone on my own. I am a complicated person. I
don't know what I want.

I was on my way back from the restroom when I got a text that they were waiting for me. I wasn't lying when I said my boss loved me. I hurried back to my office that was empty of people now to grab some files that made my way upstairs.

Quietly, I opened the door.

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