Chapter Eleven

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I wake up sometime later. Didn't know when I dozed off. Panicky, I grab my phone to check the time hoping I didn't sleep past the time for the party. It's 5 now and the party is scheduled for 7pm. I registered 7 as eight in my head, Nigerian Time. Although, I wonder if the opening would work like that.

I assume people with calibre showing up and keeping to time. A smile slowly creeps to my face and there are butterflies in my belly. I am excited, it's my first social gathering in a while and also about the prospect of asking Ire if he likes me.

I am shit scared on one hand but on the other I just want some definition. Tonight would be the answer I am looking for. That way I can move and try to find someone else for my mom. Scratch that, for me. I haven't thought about marriage in a while. My mom has been telling me about marriage since I was 25. Sometimes I forget I am the one marrying.

I get out of bed to stretch looking out the window. I have been so caught up with work and Ire that I forget my ulterior motive for this trip. It's either that or I go on multiple dates featuring all of mom's friends' sons. Is it really that bad? Who knows? One of them could charm me.

Immediately, my phone rings and it's Jola trying to video call me. I accept and set my iphone down where she can see me.

"Babes. How far. You just went awol." She says looking pissed.

"I am sorry. Work has been hectic. How are you doing?"

"I am alright." She snaps her fingers

"You look glam." I say noticing the hair and nails

"Must be the afterglow."

"Of what?" Then I gasp aloud. "Who is it?"

"It's Femi. He's back."

"For real? Babe, I am so happy for you. Are you back together with him?"

Her ex-boyfriend. They broke up when he traveled to Russia to study. After the break up they remained close. I would tease her calling him her husband.

"We are going with the flow. I was with him all morning. We had the best…"

My hands are on my ears in an attempt to stop her from telling me about their sexual escapades.

"Don't wanna hear it." I say when she stops.

"Whatever. Miss-goody-two-shoes. And you are not that innocent." She squints at me and I laugh.

"You assumed I am. I am happy for you. Make sure he asks you out. Don't go sleeping with him because he's hot."

"I think that's enough reason but I won't. How's your hot boss doing?"

"He's good. Busy, I guess." Then shrugs

She tilts her head to the side. "See you trying to feign ignorance?" Cause you are failing. Your face is bright red."

"How can you even tell?"

"I have known you a long time. I can tell when you are flustered. Now, what happened."


Then I proceed to tell her everything that's happened between us in the past few days. In between, she gasps when I tell her about the kiss and sex joke. Then goes aww's when I tell her about the moment in the garden.

"I am going to ask him what he's deal is tonight at the party. What do you think? Should I?" I ask, feeling uncertain as things could go wrong.

"I don't think you should. Let things happen naturally between you too. And besides, he might just be a nice person."

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