Chapter Fourteen

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I contemplated making a U-turn but then I would only be prolonging the issue. I sigh and move closer to Feyi who has his head hung low and is pacing back and forth. My escape would have gone unnoticed because he doesn't seem to notice me walking up to him.

"Hey." His head jolts up, the shock of being startled gradually leaves his face as his eyes meet mine. I stand properly in front of my door, my lips set in a strict thin line. It's better not to smile if I want to get my message across.

"Hi." He returns the frown with an uncertain smile.

"What are you doing here?" I ask feigning ignorance. My eyes involuntarily finds Ire's door and I swallow the pain and hurt building up. With all my strength I stare at the familiar stranger in front of me.

"It's Friday and I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go grab something to eat." He answers obviously lying. I like that he's trying to ease into asking me what my answer is. Although I would have liked it if he was straight forward. Sadly, I am in no mood to go out to grab food or for a long conversation.

"Sorry. I don't feel like it today." I said.

"Oh! Okay." I turned to my door when he grabbed my hand. That for me was a turn off, there's something about unsolicited contact that drove me the wrong way.

"Is there something else?" Trying to act like his touch didn't make my eyes twitch.

"Yeah. Did you think about us? You told me you'd give me an answer in a week?" He held my gaze and I saw something unrecognizable in his eyes.

"Actually, I did. Look, you are a great guy. I am sure you'd make some other girl happy. It's just not me. I want something else. I am sorry." I meant every word. He must have been hoping he would get a yes from me.

As nice as I am, I would never sacrifice my happiness for anyone or date someone out of pity. I want something more and until I have it, I am not going to settle. I'd rather focus on my career and start a business. My mom would have to deal. Marriage is no longer an achievement.

"But, I thought you were into me. How can you not like me." He seemed like he couldn't believe I would reject him. And whats with him and believing every girl has to like him.

"You thought wrong. I am done with office romances. It's too much trouble." I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but his grip only tightened. It's my turn to be alarmed

"But you'd kiss Issac but you wouldn't go out with me. You think you are so great. You are not. You are just like every other girl." 

"And you are also basic. You are not man enough, because men don't force women to date them. A bully is what you are."

"Oh! Really?" He says his hands tighter. You'd be suprised at how much power a thin and frail man weilds. I judge this book by its cover.

"Yes. I'd rather die than having anything to do with you."

I kept struggling but it only made it worse. It all began to come back to me. That one time this dude I had been talking to out of courtesy yelled at me over the phone because I told him not to call me everyday.

Instances like that taught me never to fold in front of a bully. You could get hurt but never let them have the satisfaction of hurting you.

My mouth dropped open at the Issac comment but I couldn't bring words to come out. I guess I am not used to guys switching up on me. Who would have thought this beast was the gentle and calm Feyi.

"You think you are that great."

"Yes. I am great. Now, Let go of me." I am screaming now.

"Or what? You'd tell Ire. We all know you've been sleeping with him. Once a kiss is all I ask. It's not like you haven't done it before." I shut my eyes. He is closer than ever. I can feel his breath on my neck.

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