Chapter 8

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~A few days later~

Kade Pov

When I woke up this morning I cried silently because I didn't want to wake up Dexter. Today is my mom's funeral. It's going to hurt like hell to go but she is my mom and I am speaking at the funeral. I have a paper that of what I am going to say. Dexter wrote it and I said what to write because I didn't want tears on the paper. That day I cut a lot because I was lost and I didn't know what to do. I am going to a hospital in a month. It's going to be better for me and I will get to see Dexter every other day. But it's going to take about a year. I am just laying in bed thinking and then I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Hi, Babe. Good morning". Dexter said kissing the back of my neck. "Good morning". I said and turned around and we kissed and then just laid in each other arms. "Are you ready for today"? Dexter asked. "Yeah, I am". I said and then turned to the bedside table and got my phone and checked the time. It's 8:30 am and the funeral starts at 9:30 so we have an hour to get ready. "We should get up". I said getting up but Dexter pulled me back onto the bed. "We have an hour to get ready and both of us need to shower". I said looking at him. "Ok, Why don't we shower together. It will take less time". Dexter said. "Ok". I said and we got up and went to take a shower together.

We are done with our shower and got dressed in black. We hear a knock on the door and the door opening. "Are you guys ready to go"? Dexter's mom asked. "Yeah, we are". Dexter said. His parents are going to pay their respects to her. She closed the door and Dexter and I got our phones and wallets. Then we headed downstairs. We got downstairs and everyone was in the living room. "Let's go". Dexter's dad said. We all got into our cars. Dexter and I are in his car. While his mom and dad and brother are in his parent's car.

We got to the funeral home and we all went inside. I saw my Dad, Addison, Stella, Gracie, and grandma all in a group. Dexter and I went over and stand with them before we had to go where we are doing the funeral.

We are in the room. Dexter, me, Dad, Addison, Stella, Gracie, and Grandma are in the front row. I am on the verge of tears and Dexter is holding me close to him. When it was my time to speak I went up there and spoke.

"My mom was the best mother out there. I love her very much. I am going to miss her very much. She would make the b-best meals. She was aweso-". I said before I broke down. I saw Dexter come up here to me and bring me back where we are sitting. I hear the others speak. I just cried a lot. "Babe it's going to be ok". Dexter said rubbing my back and I see that dad turned around and said. "Don't call him that". My dad spits out. "I can call him whatever I want to call him". Dexter said and my dad turned back and scoffed. We are on the way to her grave site and we are all crying. We all love her very much.

We all are at my parent's house. My aunts and uncles and some cousins came to her funeral. "Hey, Kade". One of my cousins spoke. "Hey". I said and Dexter is beside me. "I'm sorry for your loss. Auntie was the best". Gabe said. "Yeah, she was". I said crying a little and Dexter hugged me from my side. "Who is this". Gabe said looking at Dexter. "Oh, this is my Boyfriend Dexter". I said. "Hi nice to meet you, I'm Gabe". Gabe said. "Hello". Dexter said still hugging me. "So Uncle and I are going to be moving down here in a month". Gabe said and I looked confused. "His girlfriend dumped him so we are moving". Gabe said. "Oh". I said. "Well, I will see you later". Gabe said leaving. "He was nice". Dexter said. "Yeah he was. Can we go to my old bedroom and hang out there. I don't want to be down here". I said and Dexter nodded his head.

We went upstairs and went into my old room. We hung out there for a little bit until there was a knock on the door. "Come in". I said and I saw Addison walk in with Stella and food. "Here I brought you guys some food. Also I want to talk to you guys". Addison said sitting on the bed and Stella right after. "I'm not hungry". I said. "Babe you need to eat. You haven't eaten all day". Dexter said and I just shook my head no. "Ok". Dexter said. "So what do you need to talk about". I asked. "I'm worried about Gracie being here with Dad. Because I saw Dad drank some before we went and he has water but it's not water it's vodka". Addison said. "Shit, You know how dad can get when he is drunk". I said thinking of something. I think Gracie should spend more time with us. "Do you know what to do"? Addison said. "I have one idea. Gracie should spend more time with us. Like every day. Because I think dad is going to become an alcoholic. I don't want her to get hurt by Dad". I said. "Yeah, I know. I don't want to put that trauma on a 12-year-old". Addison said. "Yeah". I said. "So some days Stella and I will hang out with her. Then the other days you guys are going to hang out with her". Addison said. "Ok, You guys will take her on the weekends, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Dexter and I will take her on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Does that sound good". I said and everyone nodded their heads. "Ok". I said and cuddled into Dexter's side.

We all went back downstairs and everyone left. It was Dad, Addison, Stella, Dexter, me, and Gracie all in the living room. "Gracie go up to your room and put on headphones and turn your music up". I said and she nodded and went upstairs.

We all looked at Dad. "Dad I know you are drinking again". I said looking daggers at him. "N-no I haven't". Dad said in a slur. "Your drunk dad. If you hurt Gracie I will call the cops on you. But when I turn 18 I am getting custody of Addison and Gracie. Because you will be a drunk and I don't want to hang around you. You stopped drinking for all of us. Mom wouldn't want this for you. No one does. You relapsed. You are a homophobic asshole. You kicked Addi and me out because we are gay. You are a shitty father. I hope you rot in hell. If mom was here right now she would throw your ass out to the streets. When I turn 18 and get custody of my sister's. I getting the house too because you don't deserve to live here anymore. Goodbye Adam". I said and left and Dexter followed me. "Babe, are you ok". Dexter said. "Yes I'm fine. I just wish I was 18 already so I can get custody of them". I said. "I can talk to my parents". Dexter said and I turned to him. "You don't have to do that". I said. "I want to help. I don't want Gracie to get hurt". Dexter said and I ran to him and hugged him. "Thanks". I said and kissed him and we went back inside. I heard yelling. "DONT FUCKING HIT HER". I heard Stella yell and I ran. "What happened". I yelled. "He hit Addi". Stella said. "What, That's it". I said and got my phone and called 911.

"This is 911 how may I help you". The 911 person said. "My dad just hit my sister. He is drunk". I said. "Ok, what is your address. Also can you guys go into a locked room". The 911 person said. "My address is, 143 Downton Dr. We can get into a locked room". I said. "Ok, do you want me to stay on the phone with you until the cops show up"? The 911 person said. "No". I said. "Ok, the cops are on their way". The 911 person said and I hung up.

"The cops are on their way. You better stay right here because if you move you are dead". I said. "Oh boo hoo. If I go to jail who will take care of you guys". Dad said slurred. "I am going to talk to my parents". Dexter said stepping forward. "You are not getting the house". Dad said slurred. "Yes I am. I am not going to leave this house because there are memories of mom here". I said and I hear the door bust open and dad get knocked to the ground. We just watched them take him away and an officer came over to us. "Are you guys ok"? The officer said. "Yeah, we are". I said. "Do you guys have a place to go"? The officer said. "Yeah, we do". I said. "Can we meet them"? The officer said. "Yeah just follow us. I will be right back". I said and ran upstairs to Gracie's room, I opened the door and I see her crying. "Gracie it's going to be ok. But you have to come with me now". I said and I walked out of the room she followed and went downstairs and all of us went to Dexter's house.

We went inside and Dexter's parents have a confused look. "Dexter why is a cop here". His mom said. "He needs to speak to you". Dexter said. "Oh ok". His mom said. "Hi, Ma'am. Um we just arrested Kade's father and he is going to be in jail for some time and they need a place to stay". The officer said. "Ok, Thanks for telling me that". His mom said. "Will nice to meet you but I need to go now". The officer said and went out of the door. "What happened are you guys ok". His mom said. "Yeah we are. He hit Addi and I just couldn't do it anymore". I said. "Well, you guys are welcomed to stay". His mom said. "Thanks but I am staying at Stella's house". Addison said. "Oh ok". His mom said. "Mom, Can Kade and I talk to you". Dexter said and she nodded and we went into the kitchen. "What is it". Dexter's mom said. "Can you get custody of Addi and Gracie"? Dexter asked. "Yeah, I will try". His mom said. "Thanks. Also we might move into Kade's parent's house". Dexter said. "That's ok, Will you see me every day". His mom said. "Yeah, I will". Dexter said and hugged his mom. "Thanks, mom". Dexter said. "Thanks". I said.

We all hugged and went back out to the living room. "So I have news". His mom said and Addison and Gracie nodded their heads. "I am going to get custody of all of you. Including Kade". His mom said smiling. "Really". Addison said. "Yeah". His mom said. "Thank you". Addison said and hugged Dexter's mom. 


Hi, so there is only 2 chapter left so I am going to post them today. I am starting a new book. I don't know what it's going to be called yet but I will see. I hope you guys liked this chapter. :) <3

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