Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

2 weeks later

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Tony's outfit and hair

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Tony's outfit and hair

It was currently 5:00 in the afternoon and I was doing my last clients wig

For the past week I haven't been feeling my best

I'm always tired, sick, hungry etc

Honestly I think I'm pregnant but Zisofye did pull out


" Hey you alright girl you more quiet than usual" my client said

" Yes girl just thinking" I said smiling

" All done" I said

" All done" I said

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Her hair

She paid me 200 dollars and tipped me 30 dollars

I locked up my shop and got in my Uber

The drive was quiet as I was thinking

I had texted Tamara to buy a pregnancy test for me earlier and come back

" Your here" the Uber said as she stopped at my apartment

I paid her and got oht walking towards my apartment

I unlocked the door and closed it turning my lights on and Tamara popped up sitting in my couch watching SpongeBob

" Finally bitch, heres the test and why you need it ain't your ass gay?" She said

" I slept with Zisofye and she's intersex" I said quickly

" Oh jumpscareeee"

" Just hand me the fucking test bro" I said snatching them

I droppes my stuff on the floor and went into the bathroom

I pulled my leggings down and peed on the 3 different brands and sat then on the counter

A bitch nervous as fuck

My hands where sweating and the timer went off and scared me

" Bitch" I mumbled

I slowly looked at the test and screamed

Loud like very loud

" Bitch what" Tamara said

" I'm pregnant" I softly said

" You done got your ass trapped, ain't no hot girl summer fa your ass " Tamara said

" Wow thanks so much for the reassurance, how am I gonna tell her" I said

" Call her and say your pull out game weak asf hope you ready to pay child support simple" Tamara said

" Shut ya mouth up, whole bunch a shit coming out" I said walking out with my phone in my hand

I sat on the bed in my room and nervously dialed the number

I pressed the green button and let it ring

It rang for like 4 times before it connected

" Hello" the sexy ass voice I love answered

" Hey, it's um Tony"

" Hey what's up" she said and shuffling could be heard

" You alone" I said rubbing my arm nervously

" Yea, why"

" I, um- I have something to tell you"

" Well spit it out shorty" she said and hissed her teeth

" I'm pregnant" I blurted out

" Okay?" She said

" You was the last person I slept with 2 weeks ago and secondly I'm gay you and you the only I been with that got a dick"

" Hollon, you pregnant, with my baby"

" Yea"

" Ain't no mother-fucking way, imma be a dad or whatever"

" Apparently" I said

" Why you sounding all sad and shit for then"

" I literally don't have a stable job just yet, I'm living in a small ass apartment, I am not ment to be a mother can't you fucking see that"

" Shorty you be ight, I got you cause ain't no way my baby mama go suffer you ain't gotta worry " she said and more shuffling could be heard

Tears started to well in my eyes and I started to sniffle

" Hey stop all that crying imma come by tomorrow and book you an appointment ight"

" Okay"

" Ight get some sleep and don't stress yourself out " she said before hanging up

I sighed in relief that she believed me and is willing to take care of the baby

Cause ain't no way my mental health could handle all a that

I would literally just break

I wouldn't want my baby to be born in an unstable place where I'm basically struggling to take care of myself

I'm literally so small I can die during child birth, if I couldn't handle her dick how am I going to push a whole human outta my vagina

Why me?

So many other bitches out there that wants a baby and she chose me to carry the baby, with my childish ass

Well there goes my hot girl fucking summer

Out the window

Fast as a fucking lighting

The year is looking rather dull

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