Chapter 5

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17 weeks pregnant

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17 weeks pregnant

" Girl if you don't waddle your ass up" I said checking my watch yet again

" Fuck off I'm pregnant here 4 months to be exact get off my ass" she said

" Fuck off I'm pregnant here 4 months to be exact get off my ass" she said

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Zisofye's outfit

Zisofye's outfit

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Miss waddles aka Tony's outfit

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Miss waddles aka Tony's outfit

She breathed heavily as she sat in the car and rubbed her stomach

" Lord have mercy" she said and I chuckled rubbing her swollen stomach that was very much noticable

" My titties hurt" she muttered fixing them in her shirt

During her pregnancy Tony gained a lot of weight

In her face, thighs, ass, breasts and of course her stomach

She was covered in stretch marks but I ain't care love me some stretch marks

" My nose look big" she asked

" Your nose ight mama" I said kissing her nose

She sighed and fixed herself in the carseat putting the seatbelt over her

I pulled off and headed to the clinic

While driving I glanced at the beauty beside me

She didn't have any makeup on and had her hair in a ponytail with her normal long nails on

She rubbed her face and relaxed putting her hand in her belly and rubbed it

I smiled and the thoughts of her finally having the baby and being the best mom ever flooded my mind as I drove

I turned into the clinic and parked before getting out and helping her

" Thank you" she said waddling away with her phone and left me with her bag

I took my phone out and recorded her as I was making a documenting everything for my first child

She go have all my kids cause I don't need 2 or more baby mamas

" Hey,Tony and Zisofye right on time as always you know the way" the receptionist said smiling

" Yep we do have a good day Shelly" Tony said waving and walking away

I waved and walked behind Tony

" Heyy my favorite patient" Doctor Anthers said smiling

" Hey doc" Tony said trying to get on the bed

Her ass too tiny to be doing all this

I sighed picking her small self up and putting her down on the bed

She breathed heavily as if she was climbing a mountain

" I see the struggle is beginning" Doctor Anthers said squeezing the gell on Tony's stomach and moving the wand around

" It is" Tony said wiping her forehead

" Well at this stage, the baby actually starts growing hair, eyes start moving, eyelash and eyebrows start coming in and the baby starts opening and closing there mouth all by themselves" she said

" So the baby now measures 12cm from head to toe and weighs around 150 g" she continued

" Now at this stage it's not very likely that you will feel kicks but you can feel a little flutter and tiny kicks,and there's your baby moving around " the doctor said smiling

Tony smiled and teared up

" There's our baby" she said and I nodded kissing her forehead

" And it looks like I can tell the gender, would you like to know" she asked

" Actually our family and friends are planning a gender reveal I can give you a number to send the gender results to " I said and the doctor nodded

" Alright that's it, don't forget to pick up the ultrasound at the front and your appointment have a good day" she said handing Tony some napkin

She cleaned her stomach off and we got up and went to the front

We left the number with the receptionist and started our journey home but stopped to get wings for Tony

" Can't believe I only got 5 more months to go, needa announce this whole pregnancy thing by next month or the next or the final month in my pregnancy " she ranted

" Whenever you wanna announce the baby I'm down "

She nodded and intertwined or fingers

Our relationship was complicated

It was like we wanted to be together but we just didn't know where to start

Then sometimes it's like it's never gonna happen and I want it to happen cause I don't want her just a baby mama

I want her as a wife


She fell asleep on the drive back and I pulled up at her house

I took her keys out of her bag and got out

I went to her side and picked her up and locked my car door and walked up the porch unlocking the door

I kicked it open with my feet and laid her on the couch

I went back outside and took out the stuff out of my car and locked it and went in the car

I went inside the house and locked the door and bolted it

I took my shoes off and took hers off and placed a blanket over her

Such a long  day

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