Chapter 36

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42 weeks pregnant| 12 AM Saturday

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42 weeks pregnant| 12 AM Saturday

Location: Home❤️

Location: Home❤️

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Tony's outfit

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Tony's outfit

'' Ohhhhh lordd'' I groaned leaning forward in the passenger seat

'' You doing good mama we almost there'' Zisofye said rubbing my back while driving down the highway

I knew labor hurt cause I had been through it before but boy this one was beating me upp

'' Fuckkkkkk it hurts so bad '' I said shaking my leg and gripping the handle of the car 

'' Mhm I know baby ''

I need him out now


'' Your doing good Tony'' the nurse said as I was being prepped for pushing

'' Ahhhhh '' I screamed feeling pressure

'' you want the epidural'' Zisofye said

I shook my head, no, I was almost at 10cm I don't need a needle in my back right now 

Zisofye rubbed my back and kissed my sweety forehead 

'' I'm going to check your dilation now'' 

I nodded and prepared for the pressure I was going to feel

'' Get the doctors in here NOW! Give me an ultrasound '' the nurse yelled taking the wand and squeezing gell on my stomach

what is going on

'' What's wrong with my baby'' I said worried

'' He's breeched and seems to have the umbilical cord around his neck we need to move immediately'' she stated

She secured gloves around her hands before pushing my hospital gown up

'' This may hurt a bit'' she said 

Gripping Zisofye's arms as she twisted my belly in a way you could see the baby's body moving 

'' Okay time to push'' she said and I nodded

'' 1,2,3 push'' 

I groaned and pushed as hard as possible

'' Again''

I pushed and screamed lifting off the bed 

'' You got this mama '' Zisofye said

'' Push, push, push''

I gave one final push feeling a gush of liquid but it was silent 

The nurses quickly sprang into action unwrapped his umbilical cord from his neck and started giving him CPR

My son's cry rang out and he was placed on my chest

'' Oh my beautiful boy'' I said kissing him 

'' What are you naming him'' the nurse said smiling

'' Kaelem Izamar Tayablo'' I said looking at my son whose bright eyes stared into mine 

'' Kaelem Izamar Tayablo'' I said looking at my son whose bright eyes stared into mine 

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Kaelem Izamar Zisofy Tayablo| 11 pounds 9 ounces

''You so handsome baby'' I said 

'' Do you want skin-to-skin with the baby?'' the nurse asked Zisofye

He nodded sitting in the chair next to me and removed his shirt 

The baby was then placed into his arms and he lay on his father's chest Kaelem smiled

'' he's a happy boy, he couldn't wait to meet his parents'' the doctor said and I smiled

Kaelem smiling cause he needed confirmation that Zisofye was his daddy and not David

''We were viewing your ultrasound earlier and viewed your son's genitals as he was born and he seems to be intersex meaning he was supposed to be a girl but was born with a male's genitals does that seem to run in your family?''

'' Uh that would be me, I was born intersex with all the male organs I'm guessing he is the same''

'' And he is '' The doctor said smiling 


'' he was born intersex like me'' Zisofye said on the phone with his mom while he had Kaelem on his chest who was fast asleep

'' I'm just glad he's healthy, Tosofye was asking about you two earlier but he's asleep now''

'' Okay we should hopefully be home by tomorrow when we get Tony's test results back and to see if Kaelem is okay''

'' Okay baby, love you both''

'' Love you too'' he said before hanging up

'' Can't believe I pushed out a 11 pound baby''

'' shocked you didn't tear''

'' nigga you keep giving me some big ass babies like you don't see how small I am''

'' you was eating the whole pantry while pregnant '' he said 

'' you wrong for that''

'' Am I?''

'' maybe your right'' I said huffing 

I was eating the whole pantry and we had to go shopping every week

I don't even care my baby is healthy and thats all that matters

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