Chapter 30

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Tony's outfit

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Tony's outfit

I sat in an uncomfortable silence between the two men as Tosofye was fast asleep with his hand in my dress

" Hello in Doctor Anthers and I will be taking the samples today, nice to see Tosofye growing into a healthy boy" she said and I smiled

" Well all we have to do is take a swab from mom and the possible father's "

She swabbed my mouth putting it in my throat a little making me gag a lil

Gag reflex still ain't shit

She placed it in a container before taking Zisofyes and David's own

" Well I will call and ofcourse mail you the results next week's Tony and I will see you for your next appointment for the baby and Tosofye" She said smiling

I got up and fixed a heavy ass Tosofye on me as he started to make up

" Boobie" he said rubbing his eyes and started feeling on my breast

" That will be our future kid soon" David said making Zisofye glare at him

" David just stop, that was so not needed" I said

" So what little boyfriend mad I fucked his girlfriend"

Zisofye gripped him collar taking him off the floor a bit as he was taller

" Shes till mine though, and what are you a one night stand wanting to be more back the fuck off " Zisofye said

" Go in the car so you can feed him" he said letting David fall

I sat in Zisofyes car as Toso started taking my breast out

" Imma start weening you" I said as he latched on

" You better not bite me either " I said to him and he smiled

Zisofye got in the car and left the door opened and we watched David drive off with a old ass van

He watched as I fed Tosofye who hugged onto my breast

Once he was done I fixed myself up and sat him in his car seat

God please let next week be here soon
•••••| next week|7am

God please let next week be here soon•••••| next week|7am

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Tony's outfit

My phone rang making me instantly get up seeing that it was Doctor Anthers I quickly answered

" Hello Tony I called because the results are in" she said

" What does it say"

" Zisofye is 0.000% the father and David is 98.99% the father" she said

I started sobbing

Oh god why

Just why

" Thank you again" I said before hanging up

I hugged my knees and screamed and cried

I'm stuck with him now, why lord why

What did I do to deserve this awful luck

Gosh I can't tell Zisofye this just yet I can't stomach the feeling

God I feel like I'm going to throw up

I got up quickly and ran to the  bathroom and puked everything I just ate
I was asleep with my eyes hurting an a tear stained cheek

My phone rang and it was Doctor Anthers?

I answered

" Hello" I said sleepy

" Hi Tony sorry to bother I just wanted to say that test from earlier wasn't yours it was someone else's" she said

I sat up so fast

" What's the real results" I said

" David is 0.00000% and Zisofye is 100% the father " she said

I screamed so loudly and jumped up and down

" Thank you JESUS" I yelled

" Congratulations Tony" she said and I could hear her smiling before she smiled

" YESSSSSSS, PRAISE YOU JESUS HALLELUJAH!" I yelled taking my bible up and feeling the spirit run through me

I quickly called Zisofye and he picked up

" What's up" he said setting his phone up on his dresser while fixing his locs and was shirtless

" YOUR THE DAD!" I yelled excited


Now we where both acting like idiots

" We need to go to couples therapy now so we can fix our relationship so our kids can grow up in a healthy household" Zisofye said and I nodded

" I'm just glad the baby is yours and we can finally take a step forward" I said looking at him

I leaned in and he leaned in and captured my lips

Our lips moved in sync and I moaned into the kiss

" Mama, dada?" Tosofye said starling us

" What happened bear" I said

" Can't sweepy " he said and I picked him up

He laid on my chest and his head in Zisofye

We both wrapped our arms around him and smiled

Soon we will have a next baby to wrap our arms around along with my little bear

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