Chapter 8

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28 weeks pregnant

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28 weeks pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

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Tony's outfit

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Tony's outfit

Zisofye outfit

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Zisofye outfit

Tony stood in the line infront of me with her phone in her hand while holding her tote bag

We where currently on our way to Cancun Mexico for her pre baby moon

We been at the airport for a while and our flight got delayed but they finally letting First Class people board

I got a First Class where they had a bed, TV the necessities so my baby can be comfortable

The line moved up and we where soon we where at the flight attendants

" Hi welcome can I have your passport and look into the camera please" she said and they lowered the camera so my short ass queen could look into it

She handed it back to her and then Tony handed her mine and I looked into the camera

She cleared us and we went inside and Tony dropped our passports in her bag

Already being a mom

We found where would be staying and got comfortable

" You comfy" I asked and she nodded

Bout to be a long flight

I took my hat off and fixed my locs

Tony took snaps sending it Tamara letting her know that we boarded

She really wanted her best friend to come but what she didn't know was that Tamara would be flying to Cancun with AJ and BJ this weekend

We where staying at a 5-star hotel for the all of July and Half of August

I wanted to stay till September which is when the baby would be here but she wants to have the baby at home and to keep up with her appointments so whatever she wants she gets

" My feet hurt" she said taking her shoes off

I already knew what she wanted

I massaged her feet and rubbed in between her toes

We where there for a good couple more minutes before they where ready to take off

" Thank you for flying with Delta, I am your pilot Derick please sit back and enjoy the flights please remember to buckle in" he said before the plane started moving

We placed it phones on airplane mode and soon we where in the air

Once we where in the air Tony got in the bed that was in our cubicle and laid down taking her hat off

She turned the TV on and stared to watch Girls Trip

Well 4 hours more to go
2 Hours Later

" hi what will guys like to eat, we have burgers with fries, salads, fried chicken with fries and for drinks wine, orange juice, grape juice, Soda, water and coffee" the flight attendant asked

" Can I get a cheese burger,fries,a Orange juice and water" Tony said

" And for you "

" Can I get the Cheese burger and fries with grape juice" I said and she nodded handing us the food

It was warm surprisingly

Tony placed the food on her stomach and ate while watching Scooby-Doo

After I eat real shit imma take a nap

We finished eating and got under the blanket

The plane was cold

" Hold up I need to pee"

" Want me to come" I asked and she shook her head and got up walking to the bathroom

Ass real thick

5 minutes passed and she came back and laid back down beside me

I rubbed her stomach and soon small snores could be heard

She fell asleep with her head on my chest having a small drool on the side of her mouth


I continued watching Scooby-Doo before falling asleep

Hopefully when we up we bout to land
2 hours later

" good afternoon passengers it's now 12:00 pm in Cancun, Mexico, we are about to land please buckle up, flight attendants will be around to collect garbage it was a pleasure being your pilot " The Pilot said waking me up

" Finally, my back aches" Tony muttered

We cleaned up and folded the blankets and Tony  placed them in her bag

She checked making sure everywhere was clean before we relaxed

The plane started going down

The view below was beautiful

The sea looked so clear

In no time we where on the ground

30 minutes later

We where finally out of the airport and in the car that was escorting us to the hotel

We where exhausted but Tony still wanted to go to the beach

She needed to rest because her maternity shoot was set for tomorrow

The hotel wasn't far and we checked in rather fast

We got to our room which was big and beautiful and we could see the ocean

We got settled in before going down to beach

I have a feeling this vacation will be perfect

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