Chapter 29

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8 weeks pregnant| 5pm

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8 weeks pregnant| 5pm

8 weeks pregnant| 5pm

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Tony's outfit

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Tony's outfit

I had just gotten back from my first appointment and the baby is healthy

I was now just laying on the couch with Toso on top of me and his hand in my breast

Zisofye left a couple minutes ago to go get food

A knock on my front door startled me and it couldn't be Zisofye cause he had a key

I got up with Tosofye in my hand and went to door and unlocked it and there stood David

" Uh hey" I said

This is kinda awkward

" Hey just wanted to see you"

" Oh okay"

" So how you been" he said

" I been fine just being me, I didn't think you would be back here"

" I didn't think I would either but you kinda got me addicted"

" I got you addicted, David I'm sorry to say but that was just a one time thing I'm just focusing on my babies"

" Babies?"

" Yea I'm pregnant again"

" How far along "

" 8 weeks" I said

" That reminds me I was supposed to tell you this, the condom popped somehow"

" WHAT!" I yelled starling Toso

" Tell me your joking please" I said

" Sadly I'm now, I found out after I took it off and I didn't think much until you said you where pregnant"

" Oh father God, what have I gotten myself into Zisofye is gonna kill me" I muttered

" Well I will hit you another time" he said walking away

I locked the door and placed Toso down and calling Tamara

" Tamara, bro David just told me the condom broke and the baby could be his" I cried hugging my knees

" What the fuck why is he just saying this now"

" Oh dear God, what am I gonna do Zisofye is so happy " I said

" You can do a paternity test while pregnant"

" What if it isn't Zisofyes " I said worried

" When that time comes we will cross that bridge"

We talked for a while as she calmed me down and then we hung up
Zisofye walked in the house and looked at me

" What's wrong "

" David came by" I said

He just hummed

" He said the condom broke and the baby might be his" I said and Zisofye neck turned so fast

" What the fuck did you just fucking say" He yelled

" I'm sorry" I said crying all over again

" I was so fucking excited for another baby Tony are you serious right now, you need to get a fucking paternity test"

" I know okay I know just stop cursing at me " I said hugging my knees crying

" You know what don't fucking text my fucking phone unless it's about Tosofye and it's about that damn paternity test" he said

" I'm taking Tosofye for the night" he said walking out of the living room and collecting Tosofye stuff up and picked him up walking out and slammed the door

I started to cry harder, Tosofye was stuck in a love triangle between his parents

I may have just messed up any chance of us bringing that love triangle together for our baby

He was going back and forth and it must be so confusing

And it just got more confusing for me now cause I don't know who the fuck the father of my child is

I feel like such a whore
After calming down I called Doctor Anthers booking a paternity test tomorrow

I needed answers now

I messaged both David and Zisofye while David responded Zisofye left me on read

God please help me right now

I can't do this, I been nothing but faithful to you and it's like my life's falling apart

Why can't I just be happy and give my children a life with both parents that aren't separated

I don't want them to be fucked up like me, I don't want to raise them the way my parents did

I was so drained going back and forth between parents at suck a young age and it's like deju vu

My son is going through the same thing like I did

And I don't want that to happen I can't

I just can't

He can't be stuck in a Love Triangle between his parents

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