Chapter 24

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Tony's outfit

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Tony's outfit

Today I decided to stop by Zisofyes office he left his lunch

" Hi Tina" I said opening the his office door and she look defeated but for what reason

What I saw made me drop everything in my hand

Zisofye was having sex with some random girl

This definitely was not a dream

My hands covered my mouth and tears streamed from my face and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion

I felt myself about to pass out but Zisofye caught me

" How could you" I whispered

" It was a mistake I promise" he said holding my cheek as the girl stood there smirking

I stood up and even if I was tiny I grabbed a metal object and jammed it into her forehead

" I hate you!" I yelled catching customers attention

I left so quickly driving home tears running from my eyes

Once I got home I packed my stuff up and took Toso up

I packed our stuff in the car and buckled Tosofye an the same time Zisofye drove up rushing from his car

" Baby I'm sorry please don't leave me I swear it won't happen I swear" he pleaded dropping to his knees and hugging my legs

" Zisofye I can't stay, I just can't let me go please" I said looking away afraid that if I look I will fall into the trap

I pulled him off me and got in the car and locked the door pulling out of the driveway leaving a crying Zisofye

My heart broke as my son screamed his heart out crying out for his dada

" It's okay papi, it's okay" I said trying to stop my crying

Once I got to my old apartment I unlocked the door and took Toso out kissing his tear stained cheek

" Hey bear mama is here, see it's mama" I said and he rested his hand on my cheek

" Yes it's mommy baby" I said kissing him

" Mama" he said hugging my neck

I smiled hugging my baby as I silently cried

I carried him inside and laid him in his crib that was set up for him before he was born

I went to get out stuff out and I locked the door and I held my head in my head

I laid my head on the counter and fell asleep

My phone was blowing up with messages as I made some ramen

I picked up Toso and breastfed him while I ate

Once I was done I gave him a bath and laid him in my bed

I was going to have to talk to Zisofye sooner or later as he was the father of Toso and I couldn't separate them

I took a hot shower, my eyes where killing me from all that crying

Once I was done I got some ice and rubbed it on my eyes

I laid in bed beside Toso and laid him on my chest as my thoughts ran wild

Maybe if I didn't go this wouldn't have happened

Maybe if I just talked to Tina I wouldn't have seen that

How long has this been going on

Does he really love me

Does he even care?

I sighed and closed my eyes and sleep took over me

Oh how I wish this was some sick dream

But it wasn't it was reality


I never get to be happy for long

I wanted my son to grow up in a stable household not a weekend with daddy and staying with mom in the week

Why me?

I can't do this, I just can't

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