Chapter 10

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28 weeks pregnant

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28 weeks pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

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Tony's bikini

I walked hand in hand with Zisofye down to the dining area

We where about to get breakfast

Zisofye says she has a surprise for me later

We sat at the table and the waitress came to get our order

" Hello good morning what can I can for you guys" she said politely

" uh can I have scrambled eggs, pancakes, hash brown and turkey bacon" I said

My baby hungry today

" Can I get a breakfast sandwich with cheese and some hash browns" Zisofye said

" And for drinks"

" Can I get some green tea" I said

" Some orange juice" Zisofye said and she the waitress wrote it down

She walked away and I relaxed in the comfortable chair

I rubbed my stomach as my baby boy kicked

He's been doing that a lot especially when I try to sleep

I can't wait to see what he looks like, I can't wait to touch him, to smell him everything

I am ready to cross that boat where I can be a mom

Now I know it will be hard but I'm ready for it

I just want him out already

I'm sure everything I have been through will be worth it

" Whatchu thinking about mama"

" Just thinking about how everything will be when he's here" I said

She smiled before continuing

" We still need to figure out a name for him"

" I want something unique, out the norm so he will feel extra special" I said

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