Chapter 27

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5 weeks later| 6pm

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5 weeks later| 6pm

5 weeks later| 6pm

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Tony's outfit

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Tony's outfit

" I'm just on my way to go pick up Tosofye from his dad" I said to the live still focusing on the road

I stopped at the stop light and seen people asking if we broke up and how I been doing

" I been okay, just not feeling well for the last 3 weeks " I said

" I am going to address anything about my relationship on here right now as our relationship was kinda private so I wanna keep whatever problems we have in private " I said

" Tosofye is good just excited cause my baby first birthday next week " I said cheesing

" Like sometimes I can't believe I'm a mom it's seems so unreal and stuff and the time is just flying cause like my baby can walk now and is talking like hell " I said smiling

" I'm bout to get off here cause I arrived" I said waving and ending the live

I parked in Zisofyes driveway and all the memories hit me from trying to go into labor with Toso to bringing him home and so forth

I powered the car off and got out with my phone in my hands

I tip toed and pressed the door bell

Why I feel like I'm getting shorter or sumn

Why I feel like I'm getting shorter or sumn

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Tosofye's outfit

Few minutes later giggling and loud footsteps where heard

Zisofye opened the door smiling at Tosofye wearing grey sweats and a white wife beater with his locs tied in a bun

Why he gotta look so good right now

" Hey mommy baby" I said tip toeing to kiss him but Zisofye had to shrink a little so I could catch his cheek

" You getting shorter or something" Zisofye said

" You just getting taller" I said taking Tosofye who was stretching towards me

" You look chubby, and your nose growing?" Zisofye said raising his eyebrow

" I take that personal " I said scrunching my face up as I felt my eyes water

Gosh why am I getting emotional

" God don't cry I didn't mean it like that love " Zisofye said pulling me into a hug

" Tosofye's birthday is coming up" he said trying to lighten the mood

" Yea I'm planning his party" I said as Zisofye inspected me

" Tony you pregnant?"

" What no I'm fine " I said clearing my throat

" I just been sick probably a stomach bug nothing out of the norm"

" For how long "

" Like 3 weeks now"

" You know damn well stomach bugs don't last that long, that nigga David probably got you pregnant " he said scrunching his face in disgust as he mentioned David

" Davis wore a condom and don't forget the next day you came over and had sex with me " I said

" Mmmm, you want me to buy and test and bring it by later cause I'm heading to the office in a few "

I cringed at the metion of his office

" Sure, where's Tosofye's bag" I said and he disappeared for a second before returning with it

" Say bye to daddy" I said and Tosofye waves sucking in his binky

I buckled him in and got in the car and started it

I locked everywhere and beeped at Zisofye letting her know I'm leaving now

God please don't let me be pregnant, please don't do this to me right now

Oh goddd

My timer went off and Zisofye flipped the test over

" What does it say " I asked nervously

" It's negative" he said and I started jumping up and down

" Just joking it's positive" Zisofye said showing it to me

I screamed

What the fuck I got so excited

" What" I said shocked

" Your pregnant again" Zisofye said smirking and leaning against the counter

" Look who's stuck with me again" he said and I snickered

" God, why me" I muttered

" I told you I only wanted one baby mama"

" Just shut up your taking a whole bunch of shit" I said leaning against the counter my head in my hand

A hot breath hit my neck and I felt small kisses

" Zisofye" I said softly moaning

Why does he still have a effect on me

" Please not right now" I said

" Hey it's a another little blessing okay" he said hugging me

As much I hated him I needed this hug

We where having a next baby with a broken relationship

Father God what's next to come

Our Baby- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now