happy birthday sensei!

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Okay i know its still not aizawa's birthday but im out of ideas btw warning because there will be alot of drama's here:D



"Geez stop screaming at my ear hisashi"

"Oh sorry shouta but im just so excited for us three to be heroes together!"

"Hell yea cmon dont be boring shouta and celebrate with us!"

"First of all we are still not gonna be heroes yet we are still on second year of ua and thrid of all SHUT THE HELL UP!"

"Geez shouta no need to scream"

"Yea we are just excited:<"

"Ugh whatever"

Second flashback


They were alot of blood coming out of the rock and aizawa just stared at shirakumo dead body

"This is all my fault..."

Aizawa suddenly scream his name and jumps and hits his head at the table the class looks worried

Izuku and iida: ARE U OKAY SENSEI?!?!?

aizawa: geez im fine just a stupid nightmare woke me up from my beauty shitty sleep

As the class help their sensei and ask questions while bakugo just stayed put on his sit

Bakugo's pov: so he dream about that shirakumo guy huh? Geez-
Oh wait i have the best birthday present he would like his birthday would mostly to be tomorow and these extras would be planning his birthday surprize party and one of em would probebly force me to come and give him a gift or something but meh idc

As aizawa teaches the class and the class was over bakugo went to visit at meko's apartment [she is his cousin in my au btw]

Meko opens her apartment door

Meko: oh hey shorty didnt know u have the eurge to go here without auntie forcing u to come

Bakugo: ugh when are u going to stop calling me short scar face

Meko: never and what brings u here?

She said in her usual straight face calm anger tone while she let bakugo comes in to her apartment

Bakugo: i need some help tch

Meko: for what exacly?

Bakugo: i need photo's of that shirakumo guy u know sensei's old friend?

Meko: what kind of photo's do u need?

As he told her the photo's he needs she sighs and went to her drawers and gets the bottle and gives it to him aggressively

Meko: here put every drops at some photo ablum and the pictures will appered there

Bakugo: tch u didnt have to give it agressively

Meko: and idc now scram

He roled his eyes and leaves her apartment and went to buy some plain photo ablums and went home as he got to work

He pour every drop at the photo ablums some of the photo's made him kind of cry and laughs as he shooks his head to focus on what he was doing and fell asleep after

He woke up at 4am as he scan the bottle and it was nothing left he goes and ready the photos and put in on a box and he wrap the box and went to shower and go to school

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