kidnapping drama

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Yea this is bkdk not izucha so yeaaa and both are sassy so yep

As bakugo's was slowly waking uo he found himself tied up in a chair as he rolls his eyes as he tried to use his quirk it didnt work so he just ripp of the tape that was in his mouth since his hands were tied up infront instead of the back as he just screams


He sighed and he just position himself to the chair so he would be comfortable while sitting so yea he sit in a cross leg way as he waited for someone to come in and do their villain shits

Minutes later as he was trya remove those tightass metal rope yea they aint no have chains but have metal ropes idk if that exist but mha power logic lmfao and what a surprize he stops as someone comes in to the room he is lock up and its none other than crusty musty bitch oh wait i forgot that isnt his name its none other than shigaraki with hands of his family and two people he killed as a kid welp what a shocker

Bakugo: u again? Look if u want me to join i aint gonna join ur stupid gang crusty

Shigaraki: would u stop with the crusty insult? I got insulted enough i just came here to talk

Bakugo: talk for what? U destroying the world or someshit?

Shigaraki: wha- no not that i kidnap u because well as u see uh- how do i put this bullshit

He walks towards bakugo and took a sit but the chair just turn dust he rolled his eyes and got another one and sit down as they eye contact

Bakugo: welp watcha want bitch?

Shiggy: rude much?

Bakugo: old news and how tf are u so calm?

Shiggy: why are u also calm while being angry at the same time?

Bakugo: good point now watcha want?

Shiggy sighs and he broke the eye contact and just stare at the wall becAuse iTs sO pretty omGgg shiggy simps must be so jelly of the wall and wants to be the wall sorry lets just contined

Shiggy muttered "well i kidnap u because i want some romance advice💀😔"

Bakugo: what?

Shiggy turns around almost breaking his crusty neck and glares at him and screams

Shigaraku: I FUCKING kidnap u to ask some romance fucking advice bitch!

Bakugo blinks and the blinks and was blinking to fast mabye faster than how shigaraki turns his family into sugary dust yum

Sorry lets just contined XD

bakugo: woah- oh uh damn- DIDNT KNOW a villain *wheeze* could ask for some student for romance advice *wheeze*

My boy is laughing so hard it cause shigaraki to fall on his butt because he decay his own chair because of how piss off he was off bakugo

Shigaraki: STOP fucking laughing u wanna be hero

Bakugo just laughs harder because he just witnesses a powerful famousass villain asking him for romance advice and falls off on his butt

Bakugo: soRRy wEhAhRhehAh *wheeze*

The next thing he knew hee had stop laughing because shigaraki was holding his neck with four fingers

Shiggy: stop laughing now are we?

He chuckled to himself as bakugo rolled his eyes

Bakugo: yea ofc why not oh and do u have a choking kink or something because u always like to choke people to death xd

Shigaraki: choking what now-

He remove's his hand away from bakugo as bakugo laughs at him as he was holding his own ahnd close to his own chest

Shigaraki: fuck u kid

Bakugo: ur bottom or top? But meh i aint letting u fuck me or either i aint letting myself to fuck u


bakugo: the bitch part is old news mate

Shigaraki: dont call me mate kid

Bakugo: mate👄


Shigaraki was about to charge at him again but bakugo stops him

Bakugo: ey ey ey spare me bitch u want ur romance advices or not?

Shigaraki stops and looks away pissed off

Shigaraki: ugh fine geez

He rolled his eyes as bakugo smirks in victory of getting spared as crusty man gets another chair and toook his sit as he glares at bakugo

Shigaraki: SO? u gonna give me advices or not?

Bakugo: i wanna know the person first
Before we start the advices

Shiggy: u really pissing me off aint ya?

Bakugo: want ur advices or nah?

Shiggy: ugh fine its nonya business

Bakugo: boi👁👄👁-

Shiggy: why are u so calm when i am about to kill u?

Bakugo: u cant kill me bitch im the second main character in the show

Shiggy: we arent in a show tho-

Bakugo: nvm that the thing is u cant kill me because if u did u would face the consequenses

Shiggy: what consequenses? U cant even murder me i killed u last time but that son of a bitchy heroes save ur ass life atleast ive suceeded on killing u back then

Bakugo: pfft lets see if i got my hands on u

The ropes that was attack to the chair it was all gone now only the wrist are tied up as shigaraki's eyes widen and then he laughs

Shigaraki: i like to see u try whatcha gonna do? Kill me? Pfft

Bakugo stands up as shigaraki does the same

Bakugo: yep pretty much crusty

They both grin as they were about to fight someone screams "WE NEED TO RETREAT SHIGARAKI SOME LOOKING WEIRD SCARY LOOKING BUNNY SUIT STUDENT IS HERE WE NEED TO-" they hear crashing as bakugo grins and have sat down

Bakugo: welp ima just sit down again and let him do his job save me instead saving myself

Shigaraki: why u little-

He was about to turn bakugo into dust as izuku kicks him and alot of blackwhips stabs him as izuku was holding him to the ground

Bakugo: heyy~

Izuku: not the time kacchan

Bakugo: i thoight u love my flirtyness and cheesyness?

Izuku: yea but not the time

Shigaraki: ehe what a perfect time to fight someone like u

He chuckle's as izuku karate chops his neck as he pasted out

Izuku: shush

Bakugo: me nExt

Izuku: u want a gwen stacy instead?

Bakugo: nope

Izuku: then stop being cheesy i am not in the mood for ur cheesyness

Bakugo: kay my Heroo

He said it in a flirty tone

Izuku: yea ima pull a gwen stacy on u

Bakugo: hold on i was joking😅 izuku no-

the next second he was thrown by izuku's blackwhip out of the window

The end xd

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