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U guess it right!
Wait no ya didnt but meh
Anyways yes its bakugo's birthday today happy birthday to the damsel distress himself katsuki bakugo XD
Dunno if this is gonna end up stupid and dramatic just like always but meh bye lets contined xdd

Help my finger's are hurting already-

Bakugo's pov:

Fucking damn nerd leaving ua? Fucking dammit u are so stubborn and so fucking stupid haha u really gonna leave me and the rest just because ur the target of those hags? Fuck u i thought we were a team like u always said guess we aint

As i was in my room 24/7 trying to look for that damn crueless nerd someone knocks on the door. Great who could that be at a time like this? (Its 10:31pm btw in their world)

I groan and rolled my eyes as i get up from my chair and put my headphone's away as i walk towards the door as i open it to see pink cheeks

Bakugo: the hell do u want pink cheeks? I am not in the mood for ur bullshit and for the last time i am not gonna go out of this room till i find that damn nerd's location?

Uraraka just glared at me as i rolled my eyes

Bakugo: so?

Uraraka: when are u gonna get out of ur damn dorm and let us help u from finding deku-kun's location? U always push us away so we just track him for ourselves but failed ur the only chance here that knows everything especally on deku-kun

Bakugo: till i find his location what else? And i dont fucking care i dont want any help i just want to find him and bring him back for myself

I said as she heavily sighed as her expression turns into a blankly expression like that icy hot bastard always do but for her its a blankly soft expression so its kind of different

Uraraka: please u havent sleep for weeks now and give it a rest and ur also not gonna celebrate ur 17birthday today which also is the last year of ur teenage life?

Bakugo: ha-? Birthday? What day is it-
And besides im alright i dont need sleeo i dont have to sleep i have my sbitty potions that was given to me so im fine really

Pink cheeks rolled her eyes as she was annoyed cant really blame her we both lost deku and ive been here in my room not letting anyone in for a week as im on my computer trya track that damn nerd's location for days and she knew that those medicines ive been taking are most likely to make me puked blood but id dint care i am not sleeping till i find that damn nerd's location even if it cause my life for it

Uraraka: look at ur god damn calendar its april 20 today and u havent came out of ur damn room the class even made a surprize party for u but eventually u never got out of this fucking dorm the others tried to call u but surprize surprize u pushed them away

Swearing? She is really serious damn

Bakugo: so? I dont fucking care if its my birthday i am not gonna celebrate it till i find him

She sighed annoyed as she rolled her eyes and touchs my arms and made me float as i screamed at her


i was about to use my explosions but i got distracted when i felt a tape tied me up from the air it was from tape boy!!

Sero: sorry bakugo but we are not gonna waste ur precious day and give u a damn rest we will find him eventually dont worry!

He said as those three idiots pulled me as they ran while i was flying in the air with tapes around me as i was screaming for my life


Bakugo's Innerself One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now