insulting time

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As izuku just admiring bakugo from a far suddenly a random ass girl interupts him by pushing him a little by his shoulders as the girl awed and screams

"Gworl do not scream ur hurting my eardrums😒"

Izuku said annoyed but yet with a polite manner

"Oh sorry im just cheering my future boyfriend on yes be jelly because he is gonna be taken by me in the future"

Izuku chokes on air and snorted trya hold his laugh

"What? Why are u laughing when its true? We have chemistry!"

The girl got a little mad as izuku cleared his throat

"The only chemistry is yall have if u being a stalker and him just minding his own business and is creep u"

"Stalker×victim exist ya know!"

"Gurly u damn know that that was a damn novel ass creepy damn story some of them go to jail for that i guess ill be seeing u behind bars"

"Ugh he will sure still to like me!"

"For ur information he is not looking for any relationship and is focusing on become the no.1hero and besides his gay hU-hunNy"

The girl gasp as she rilled her eye and hump

"I can change him!"

"Girl he is not a damn pad on ur ass panties the only u be changing is ur panties that is wet right now and that ass stalker attitude of ur's"

"Im seeing red!"

"Mabye ur seeing satan say satand for me oh wait that is impossiboe because satan is actually scared of warmart ass horror cotton candy wanna be, mabye the red u are seeing is either u being high because of smoking or vaping orr its u seeing ur red flag glowing and shining that is waving for u and waving a goodbye and will leave ur ass because it cannot stand u because ur so evil and annoying and a moron for trya change a gay man and also ur so evil and a rude ass stalker ass bitch that god had to drain ur ass blood for like i dont know every week or months? Ur period is weekly right so that means omg god has been tired of draining ur blood every month that he mught give uo and ur uterus might fall soon because of tiredness of gettng evilness out of u poor god and poor of ur uterus oh god someone shoukd help them piur ur evilness out of ur soul oh god bless u *fake sneeze* ugh im smelling a bitch here omg im gonna get a virus because of u ehw-!"

They heard a dying laugh from a far and they look to see bakugo who is dying on the floor holding his stomach along with ochako as izuku grins with proudness as the random girl looked annoyed amd crued amd runs away

the end of chapter bye yalll

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