CH5 Truth or Dare?

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"Okay so, it's Y/N's turn!" Tsireya announced.

We've been playing the game for a bit now. It seems that me and Neteyam are the last one to be asked respectively.

Se'lin has probably also taken the hint that Neteyam and I actually knew each other after seeing us fight earlier.

"Truth or dare?" Tuk asks, excited to ask me shit.

"Ugh, truth." I lazily reply, my argument with Neteyam still haven't left it's toll on me.

"How old are you, Y/N?" Tuk immediately asks. Her tone joyful and heavy in anticipation.

"18. I'm probably the eldest here." I smugly smile, the feeling of being the eldest somewhat making me confident.

"Wait. If that's the case, isn't Neteyam still the eldest? Or is it Aonung?" Loak asks, confused.

"Neteyam's the eldest. He's 19 though Anoung's just a few months far, I think." Roxto replies.

Kiri and Tsireya nods at his statement in agreement.


"Oh." I nervously laugh.

I sneak a glance at Neteyam. It was subtle but I definitely caught him holding his laugh.

I've literally been calling him 'kid' for days. Oh my fucking god.

"Well, it's Neteyam's turn!" I say, trying to avert the attention away from me because that was just EMBARRASSING.

"Okay! Truth or dare?" Se'lin asks Neteyam, her eyelashes fluttering as she looked at the guy.

"Truth." Netayam says, a faint smile still apparent on his lips from what just happened to me.

Annoying. Ofcourse he would choose the safe option.

"Do you like someone right now?" Se'lin asks him, a wide smile plastered on her face.

"N-" He stops for a while but continues anyway. "No, I don't."

I sigh in relief.



Why did I sigh? What the fuck.

Another round passes until it was Tuk's turn. She's the one before Se'lin and Se'lin's the one before me.

As they were asking each other stuff, I managed to snug up a bottle of booze for myself. Turns out they have alcohol in Pandora too. Cool.

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