CH12 Meeting

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Apparently, news spreads fast here on Pandora. And predictably enough, the thing that happened between Neteyam and I spread like gossip, even going up to the point where Jake and Neytiri found out about it as well. 

Neteyam and I sat on the ground inside the Sully's home. It's the only place both of us thought was safe and without a doubt, it is. But despite this, the only thing we can't hide from is Neteyam's parents' wrath. 

"What were you two thinking?!" Jake yells before moving closer toward Neteyam. "Boy, you know better than to get yourself romantically involved with a human!"

Look who's talking. Never once thought that he'd be the epitome of hypocrisy. 

My foul mouth just couldn't stop itself from talking back to the guy. I mean, he's been yelling at us for what now? a full ten minutes?

"You were one too," I say. 

Jake then looked at me as if I had just murdered his whole family. Neteyam's right hand which was holding mine held my hand tighter as if telling me not to anger his father more, making me slightly regret what I said.

Jake snickers at my response before speaking. "You and I are different. Hell, we don't know where you come from. Who knows, maybe you were born into a family of killers-"

Yup, that was my last straw. I'm not sitting through this shit anymore. We're getting to absolutely nowhere.

"I can't fucking do this," I say, standing up to leave, but Neteyam pulls me back.

"Y/N" Neteyam wearily says, standing up as well and turning my body to face him. "Come on, you know that what we did could change the course of events of this war for the worse. What my dad said was wrong and on his behalf, I apologize. But you need to stay here." He adds, both his hands on my shoulders to ease me but I only look down, still pissed from the discourtesy.

"You told me to love your people, Neteyam. But how could I if everyone, including your own family, treats me like this?" I say. "I just need a little trust." I add resolutely, my eyes on the verge of tears from the lack of certitude.

He sighs and glances at me one last time before turning to his father.

"Sir, with all due respect, please don't talk to my girlfriend that way." Neteyam says and I look at him at the mention of the sudden label. Meanwhile, Neteyam now turns to his mother. "Ma, please, I know you understand where we're coming from." 

Neytiri looks at him with endearment but still doesn't utter a word, unsure of what to say to his son.

On the other hand, Jake loudly sighs and walks to Neteyam until he was right in front of him. 

"A-Are you sure about her, son?" Jake asks him with a gentler tone.

"Yes, sir." Neteyam responds in the same manner.

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