CH25 Operation Flight (Part 3)

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Warning: descriptions of violence ahead


After leaving hell's gate, Neteyam and I immediately went to the exit which, unfortunately, at the time, was already besieged by soldiers. They had most likely received the report about Neteyam's escape and the role that I played in it. To avoid getting caught, we distanced ourselves a few feet from the exit and stood hidden behind a truck.

"Gun," Neteyam suddenly says with one of his palms open in front of me. I don't know why he needs it, but I still obliged.

"Uh sure," I hesitantly pull out my gun and placed it in his hands. "Wouldn't you want the archery set instead?"

"You can use it," He smiles. "I never said that practice was over, didn't I?"

I refrained myself from letting out a chuckle. How come that it seems so long since we had something as simple as a captive-captor relationship? We may have not loved each other as much as we do now, but back then, it was fun. All we did was run away from our problems and worries, doing so much as religiously fighting and throwing banters at each other. We've come a long way, and I'm glad that it's all coming to an end.

"Also, I need to do something with the gun," Neteyam adds before proceeding to unload the firearm to check the number of bullets. "Mhm, eight bullets. I'll make it work," He then loads them back in before pulling the slide.

Without warning, Neteyam suddenly fired the gun thrice in the air, startling me.

"What the fuck? What was that for? Now the soldiers know where we are," I say with furrowed brows.

"Right, except that my brother now knows where we are too," He replies. "Three gun fires to the air. That's what Lo'ak and I agreed to do to signal them that we need help. We can be pretty much rest assured that they'll thrash this place any time now,"

"Oh," I respond as the tension from my shoulder eases. "That explains it,"

After Neteyam's obvious hint of where we are, I could hear the footsteps of the soldiers moving closer to us.

Before I could process the situation, Neteyam suddenly grabs my arm and quickly ushered us inside the nearest building. Given that I had lived here for years, I immediately realized where we were going. It's the main building where practically everything is located—the bunkers, cafeteria, and laboratories. Yeah, everything.

Wait, everything?

That means my Avatar's here too. This place is the most secure place so they'll most probably lock it up somewhere around here. It will especially be by Doctora Jane's lab since they're most likely studying my Avatar as they had failed to disconnect me before from it.

"It's here," I say as Neteyam locked the doors behind us to avoid the soldiers from easily getting in the place.

"What's here?" He asked as he finished with the lock.

"My avatar. I can get to it," I reply.

"Do you want to?" He questions, looking at me.

"If it's alright, then of course,"

"It's okay. We have time. Take us there,"

After Neteyam's assurance, I lead us both to the other end of the building where all the Avatar's are kept. Luckily, there was no one there. On the downside, however, my Avatar was nowhere to be found.

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