Ch. 13: New Day at a New School

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A few days Later, Gwen dropped Luz off at the Owl House.

"Now, my daughter will be watching you while I go to hunt for Titan's Blood, if I find any, or something similar, we may be able to open a portal to get you home." Gwen said.

"Okay but does she know she's going to be watching me?" Luz asked. "Eda didn't seem like the most....responsible type."

"Don't worry, she does know and she will be a good caretaker. She's a self made expert of humans since she's visited the human world more than anyone else." Gwen said, having faith in her youngest daughter.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back." Luz said.

Gwen nodded to Luz before giving he'd a small hug, getting the human girl to hug her back as she smiled.

"I'll be back soon." Gwen said, "Enjoy your first day at school tomorrow."

Luz nodded to Gwen as they broke apart, letting the older witch fly away on her staff and leaving Luz with at the owl house.

"Glad to have you here, Luz!" Hooty shouted from behind her.

"Okay." Luz said, ignoring Hooty, "Let's get this started."

Luz walked to the door and knocked, waiting for Eda or King to answer the door before King opened the door and saw her.

"Oh, it's you." King said, "Eda, the weird human your mom has is here!"

"Luz is here already? Let her in!" Eda said as she poked her head from the kitchen, "Hey there Kid. So, this is where you're going to be for a little while."

"Yeah, I guess." Luz said, feeling a bit nervous and awkward since she never really had a conversation with Eda before. "So...where do I sleep?"

"Upstairs, I'll show you." Eda said.

Eda showed her a closet, which was probably better than most places.

"It's probably smaller than your last room at my old house but it's better than nothing." Eda said as Luz walked in, looking around.

"It's more or less the same, just a bigger window." Luz said as she set her bags down, "And... a little cluttered."

"Yeah, it mostly used for storage but I'm sure you'll get used to it." Eda said with a shrug. "It's better here than my weapons room. Anyway, you better get some rest, you have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, I figured. I'm really excited to learn more about magic here." Luz said as she set up a sleeping bag she got from Gwen.

"Yeah but trust me kid, DO NOT trust this coven system." Eda said to her.

Luz looked confused, mostly because she doesn't actually know that much about the "Coven System".

"Why? What the big deal?" Luz asked.

"It's crooked, unfair, and ridiculous! Would you limit yourself to learning on one type of magic when you had the potential to learn all types?" Eda asked Luz.

"Uh... I don't have magic, so they can't really do anything to me." Luz said.

"It doesn't matter if you have magic or not, Belos will try and force you into whatever coven your taking at school." Eda said as she crossed her arms. "Speaking of witch, what track did you chose?"

"I'm going into the Beast Keeping Track." Luz said to Eda.

"Did my mom convince you to do that?" Eda asked.

"Nope." Luz said, "It's the one that's best suited for me, after all, I can speak to certain cats."

"....Ahahahahahahaha! That's a good joke!" Eda said to her.

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