Ch. 20: Murder of Belos

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Luz turned around and saw a new person. Someone tall, someone with a gold mask and white cloak... someone... with glowing eyes. The moment she saw him, Luz's instincts were telling her to RUN FOR HER LIFE! This man- no. This MONSTER was unlike anything Luz had ever seen before!

"W-Who are you?" Luz asked with a stutter.

"Belos." Eda said, glaring at him as she looked up to him.

"I recommend you return to your cell and wait for your petrification, human." Belos said, "Yours will be after the Owl Lady's."

Luz put herself between Belos and Eda's cage.

"Not going to happen." Luz said.

Belos respected the girls loyalty. If she wanted to fight, then who is he to refuse?

"Very well then." Belos said, holding his staff, "Let's see what you can do."

Luz growled before charging at Belos, moving in a zig zag to confused him before she pounced on him! She was confused as she managed to go through him. She landed on the ground and rolled. Luz picked herself up and looked at Belos.

"What kind of magic is that?!" Luz said.

"That is something you don't need to know about." Belos said.

Belos pointed his staff towards Luz, firing small beams as she was forced to dodge while running around the room.

"You're fast, I'll give you that." Belos said.

"Like I care what you think!" Luz shouted, hiding behind an Iron Maiden coffin!

Belos walked up and held his staff up. The coffin was covered in a red glow and it was moved away. But he didn't find Luz hiding behind it?

"Hmm?" Belos let out as Luz peaked her head out, having climbed up the coffin before Belos moved it.

'Got you!' Luz thought, jumping off to attack him from behind!

Luz went through him again. Belos let out a small chuckle.

"I admire your persistence, your strength and speed. Yes, I can see why you're Spirit Animal is a jaguar."

Luz froze.

"Y-y-you... you know?" Luz asked.

"I know a lot of things that you wouldn't understand." Belos said, "But, I can help you understand, I can help you get home... join me. Together we can be unstoppable."

Luz's eyes became panther eyes. She shifted into her panther form and roared.

"K-k-kid?" Eda asked, as her breathing got heavy.

Luz looked to Eda with worry for a bit before charging at Belos, aiming to claw him or at least appear to claw him.

'Has she learned nothing?' Belos thought, letting Luz phase through him again and rush to Eda? 'Oh, so she has been learning.'

Luz shifted back and began to try and pick the cage lock.

"K-Kid, how-" Eda asked.

"Just hang on! I almost-!" Luz said before she was coated in magic and pulled away but kept her grip on the lock!

"Smart girl but you won't be saving Edalyn that easy." Belos said with his staff out.

Belos managed to pull Luz away from the lock and slam his staff against her back.

"Aaaah!" Luz screamed before she was thrown towards a wall.

"Human, just give up. You know you can't win this." Belos said as he turned to Luz, seeing her struggling to get up.

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