Ch. 26: Operation: Love Bug

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Around two weeks later, Luz was finally allowed out again. Eda didn't want her to hurt herself while injured. She didn't even let Luz go to school, making her video chat via crystal ball all of her classes and sent Owlbert to pick up her homework! Eda was so dotting and worrying like a second.....parental figure. Yeah, parental figure.

"Oh thank Titan, the fresh air feels good!" Luz said with the breeze coming in through the door.

While she may be healed, she had some scars on her legs, and her eyebrow now had a scar going through it.

'I hope my friends don't notice and ask questions, it might be awkward.' Luz thought, walking out to the market to meet them.

"Be safe, Luz." Hooty said.

"Try and use protection with that Blight girl!" Eda said.

"EDA!" Luz yelled.

"You'll thank me!" Eda shouted before Luz shut the door and speed-walked away.

Eda also found out that Luz MIGHT have developing feelings for Amity but constantly denied it, saying she didn't have time for a relationship right now.

'I need to get those girls together.' Eda thought.

Luz was too young to worry so much about life, she needed to be a teenager while she could. Go to parties, have fun with friends, find love; the problems of her home dimension could still be on her mind but they can't consume her life.

"Now how to do it?"

"Maybe I could help?" Hooty asked, stretching towards Eda.

"No!" Eda instantly said to him, pushing him away.


"You probably have some crazy scheme that could do more harm than good." Eda said, walking back to the kitchen.

"I could still help!" Hooty shouted to her.


As Hooty continued to beg Eda to help, Luz made it market and looked around for her friends.

"Where are they?"

Luz decided to focus her ears a bit to try and pick up on her friend's voices. She used that and began to follow the sound.

'They're close.' Luz thought as she continued through market, avoiding certain people along the way.

"Guys!" Luz said, seeing her friends.

Gus, Willow, and Amity turned to see Luz coming down the street.

"Luz!" They said with smiles.

They group hugged.

"It's been too long since we saw you in person!" Willow said.

"I thought you'd be a captive shut in forever." Gus said.

"Well, I had a bit of a problem." Luz said, "Hey, check this out."

Luz bent her arm backwards at the elbow, just like when she had her arm broken, except now she can realign it with ease.

"I guess Eda's healing magic is a bit rusty, because now I'm double jointed."

"Urgh, that is not right." Amity said with grimace.

"That's so cool!" Gus said while looking closer, whispering. "Are all humans like this?"

"Not everyone. Some are naturally like this but not all of them." Luz answered.

"Please realign it." Willow said.

"Please." Amity agreed, feeling a little sick from seeing it.

"Oh, sorry." Luz said, moving her arm and elbow back to their normal position.

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