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As the sun dawned the night took over. The moon and stars were that night even brighter and more beautiful than the other days. Or so a certain girl thought.

She was sitting by an opened window admiring the stars and trying to find constellations which she knew so well. Her father told her stories about each constellation and she loved them. Of course some were a bit more... morbid, but that only made the stories more interesting.

The girl's grey-blue eyes widened as she saw a falling star. She was too amazed by the sight to actually wish something. She giggled at her luck and a big smile made its way on her tanned face. Few of her golden brown strands of hair fell into her vision so she put them behind her ears. She didn't have long hair, it was falling just to her shoulders. Even though she didn't realise it, she looked pretty cute in her cyan dress with ruffles.

Suddenly a yell rang through the mansion. She frowned at the sound of it, but wasn't surprised. She knew that it was her parents. They had always been arguing but lately it was just getting worse.

She walked over to her bed and grabbed her stuffed animal. It was a purple griffon called Sir Sneakygrin. She couldn't remember when she got it, but she knew that it was a gift from her uncle Elwin.

She held it tight to her chest as she left her room to talk to her parents. She was tired of their never-ending fighting and they had to know it.

When she walked to the door behind which her parents were arguing, her self confidence faded a little bit away. So instead of going there, she sat down and leaned to the door to listen. Even though they were loud, she couldn't understand most of it because they were yelling over each other. The few words she caught didn't make sense to her, until she heard a short sentence, "I'M DONE WITH YOU!" Her eyebrows furrowed as she didn't fully understood the meaning of what her mother yelled, but the sudden silence scared her. More than the previous yelling.

"What?" she heard her father's faint whisper.

"I can't do this anymore," her mother sighed, "We're arguing all the time and I'm tired of it. I can't even remember when was the last time that we were together, happy."

There was a long pause, too long for the girl's liking. It was broken by her father's question, which shattered the four years old girl's heart, "Do you want to fill a Match Fail?"

"Yes," her mother answered without any doubts, "I understand if you want some month to mentally prepare for the process. I know that we will be going against the whole matchmaking system and people won't like it, but this can't go on."

"I know. Just give me a week. I will be at my place, so we wouldn't bother each other," her father said.

And like that, the girl's family broke. She suppressed a sob as she scooted quickly away from the door. As she did, it opened and her father left the room. He looked lost in his thoughts and didn't even noticed the girl's presence. When he was too far away from her, she stood up and as quietly as she could at the moment she left the hall.

When she entered her room and closed the door behind her, she leaned on it and sobbed. She was desperately squeezing Sir Sneakygrin as she tried to comprehend what just happened. She couldn't. The image was just too terrifying. However she knew that she couldn't stand being alone with Sir Sneakygrin. She needed someone to be with her.

She shakily took her imparter and hailed a certain someone, who was always able to make her feel better.

After few long minutes, the person actually answered, "Elysha? Why are you awake this late?" When the girl heard uncle Elwin's familiar sleepy voice, she couldn't help but sob again. "Huh? What's wrong? Elysha, take a deep breath... exactly. Now, could you tell me what happened?"

Miss Greek Nerd	{Keefe Sencen x OC}Where stories live. Discover now