Chapter 9

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Sorry that this chapter took a bit longer to get out, school was kicking my butt this week. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy the chapter!!!

Bendy was somehow, finally able to tear his gaze away from the horrible paper that felt like he was staring at for hours. His head was spinning with so many thoughts and questions, it was starting to give him a headache.

"He couldn't have found me! There's no way that he could've found me!" He whimpered. Bendy thought the he had gotten away from Joey when he left the studio, he made sure not to leave any traces behind. He kept wondering from town to town to get farther away from Joey. After it hit the 30 year mark, he was so sure that he had officially gotten away from him. But now he's here, holding the paper that his horrible creator sent him. This has to be a nightmare.

"Bendy?" (Y/N) said again, since the first try didn't get his attention. Bendy slowly looked up at her, and he saw deep concern in her eyes.

Then suddenly, without even thinking, he jumped unto (Y/N) and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, he desperately needed one.

(Y/N) was taken aback by this at first, but then she gently wrapped her arms around him. Pulling him in close. "Shh, it's ok. It's ok." She comforted Bendy. She gently rubbed at his back to calm him down as he trembled in her arms

Bendy was terrified. What did Joey want from him? Did he want to drag him into whatever hell he made back at the studio while he was gone? What if he didn't go back? Would Joey come here and grab him himself? He somehow knew where he was, why wouldn't he? What about (Y/N)? Would he hurt her?

That brought new terror in him. He didn't want (Y/N) to get hurt! The thought of Joey doing something horrible to her made him tremble even more. He even had to cover his mouth to not sob.

(Y/N) continued to comfort him, gently rocking back and forth as she hummed a small tune that they heard on the radio. It was a soft tune and it helped Bendy slowly calm down.

Bendy sniffled and sagged against (Y/N) as she gently wiped away the streaming, inky tears going down his cheek. The room was filled with a soft silence for a few minutes before (Y/N) spoke.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly, pulling Bendy back to look at him in the eyes.

Bendy slowly nodded as he rubbed at his tired eyes, trying to get rid of the fuzzy haze.

"Bendy..." (Y/N) started off slowly. "There's something I should probably tell you." (Y/N) gave him a worried look.

"What...What is it?" Bendy asked, trying to get his gaze to focus on (Y/N).

"Its about the studio." She continued. "The name sounded so familiar. And it's not a good reason." (Y/N) looked a bit hesitant to tell him. "I read a newspaper that Joey Drew Studios...went bankrupt."

Bendy stiffened. "W-What?" No! No it couldn't have! But, at the same time. It made sense. Joey was being foolish with the money the studio got. Bendy hoped that while he was gone Joey would learn what he was doing was wrong. But of course he should've known he wouldn't.

But what (Y/N) said next was even worse."Then a few weeks later, another newspaper said it...shut down."

"S-shut down?" Bendy could barely even comprehend the words, he just couldn't believe it. It was to horrible! "No, No, No!" He panicky whispered. His terrifying fear from 30 years ago came true!

"I'm so sorry Bendy." (Y/N) said. "I'm so sorry that your show got canceled."

"No! That's not what I'm really terrified about..." Bendy tried to calm himself down. He didn't want to snap at (Y/N). She shouldn't be the one he should be mad at. "I-I'm terrified for my friends! If the studio shut down they'll have no where to go! And I sure can't trust that Joey will take care of them." He said bitterly. Saying Joey's name felt like he was saying a cuss word. "Why!? Why does Joey have to be so stupid!? So selfish!? Why didn't he think of the results of what would happen!? To think of the people he would hurt!?" He said, getting off of the couch. He paced back and forth as he listed all of the horrible things that could've happened to his friends.

"Bendy, please calm down." (Y/N) said, reaching a hand out to him.

"Calm down!? How am I supposed to calm down when my friends could be in a horrible situation right now!?" Or worse? He thought, not wanting to say it out loud.

"Because panicking won't help you figure that out." (Y/N) told him, this time with a more stricter tone to her voice.

Bendy sighed and knew she was right. He again, rubbed at his tired eyes. He had to think this through with a calm mind. "When...When did you get that news?"

"Oh boy..." (Y/N) said, biting her lip. "Umm... a few...a few years ago." She answered slowly, knowing with that answer it won't help Bendy really stay calm.

And she was right when Bendy felt some panic bubbling up in him, but he tried to push it down. "Is there anything else you read about the studio?"

(Y/N) shook her head. "Not that I remember."

Bendy tapped his foot on the ground as he thought of what to do. Could he send a letter to them? Maybe, but what if they don't send a response? He was thinking of maybe calling them, but if the studio was shut down then no one was paying for the electricity bill.

There was one solution that his mind kept wondering to, but he kept pushing it back. There had to be another way to see if his friends were ok. But whatever he thought of always had a downfall. He'll have to take that solution, even if it hurt him. "(Y/N)." He turned to look at her. "I knew what I have to do." His voice cracked a little as he continued. "I have to go back to the studio."

I never know what to write at the end of these. :/ I guess I'll see y'all next week, bye.

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