Twenty-Two | I Did

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"Is it okay if Declan's sister joins us tonight?"

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"Is it okay if Declan's sister joins us tonight?"

Serena's cheery voice permeates the air on this fateful Friday afternoon.

"He has a sister?" Blancs said, beating me to the punch, since it's news to me as well.

"Yeah. A twin!" Cal squeals.

"Huh. Interesting." I mutter, not really realizing that I said it out loud.

"Yeah, that's fine. I wanna meet her anyways." Blancs says. I nod my head in agreement.

"So do I!" Serena says, smiling and then tapping away on her phone, which I assume is because she's telling the guys it's okay.

"Wait, you've never met her, S?" I say, Blancs mirroring my confused expression.

Since Serena and Kofi are essentially siblings, she's definitely the closest to the guys. Also because her and Sawyer are endgame, but I'm not gonna get into that just yet. Anyways, she's close with all four of them, Kofi (obviously) and Declan especially, since Kofi and Declan knew each other before meeting Beck and Sawyer. She's closer to Declan than the rest of us are, which is why I'm so surprised she's never met his sister.

"What's her name?"

"Sophie." Serena answers.

"All good with us." Blancs reassures, heading to her room, probably to get work done before going out.

I follow her, entering her room behind her and lying in her bed.

She looks back at me and smiles softly before putting her headphones on, her way of acknowledging my presence while simultaneously expressing that she's okay with me being there.

She gets to work as I lie atop her black comforter that's coated with a variety of neutral-colored fuzzy blankets. I face her back, watching her as she begins doing whatever her work consists of, a routine that we've perfected over the years.

There wasn't really a sufficient way to express the gratitude I had for being a woman in times like these. Times where all the reluctant vulnerability we've shared with each other in the past, has paid off. So much so that words weren't a necessity when basking in each other's comfort was what we wanted.

I knew that she knew I wasn't completely okay. But I also knew she wouldn't push it because I'd fess up soon enough.

It would probably be sooner than later.

I hadn't gone to a single class this week.

Something that I'm not proud of in the slightest.

Beck sends me the notes I miss without saying anything. He's intuitive and flexible, quickly picking up on the things that I want versus the things that I need. It's impressive. It's scary. Being understood.

It's what everyone desires, right?

Most of the time, people say that they want love, when what they truly want is for someone to just understand them without judgment. They don't necessarily want romance, affection, intimacy, or joint efforts. They don't want any of the things that toe the line between love and understanding.

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