Twelve | Pretty Girl

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Mia and Sebastian's Theme Song played quietly in the common area

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Mia and Sebastian's Theme Song played quietly in the common area.

I could've chosen to just watch the movie alone in my room, but I decided that since everyone had decided to turn in early, I'd take advantage of our beautiful 4k flat screen TV. It was a generally surprising outcome for a Thursday night that we had spent with others to end with us all choosing to sleep before midnight. Even more surprising that everyone was sober. Or at least mainly sober.

Serena and I had finished a J, but I decided to stay up instead of hit the hay.

I didn't mind that she chose to sleep though.

Frankly, I preferred being by my lonesome most of the time, and especially if I was high.

I enjoyed indulging in whatever I felt like without anyone there to disrupt it.

Which is how I ended up pants-less, with La La Land playing on the TV at a sensible volume, and a Chinese takeout container filled to the brim with Lo Mein that I had slathered in hot sauce.

So much hot sauce.

I genuinely believed that if I decided to go back to the 1800s and force a small victorian child to simply smell the food I was eating, it would send them into cardiac arrest and lead to an untimely death.

They'd probably then proceed to prohibit the use of spices too.

I don't really know. That's just the only accurate way to describe the amount of hot sauce I had put on these noodles.

But yeah, something about overly spicy Lo Mein made it taste so much better when high.

I had already watched this movie multiple times. That didn't diminish my love for it though. I still had no problem flicking it on after a long day, knowing damn well I'd be able to quote at least a quarter of the entire movie.

But this also meant I could let my brain wander.

I couldn't help but reflect on the night.

After Beck and I's little bedroom encounter, I had found myself basically booking it to the living room. I had sat next to Cal and Kofi on the main couch, my eyes watching the TV as a video of a pre-pubescent Kofi whined about the fact that he didn't quite fill out his freshman year football jersey as much as he would have liked to.

My eyes scan the room. Blanca stood against the wall in the corner, legs crossed, a smile threatening to slip out of her lips at the video. Declan and Serena sat at the two barstools, huge smiles on their face, rivaling the barely upturned expression on the sofa-bound Sawyer's face. I could tell he thought it was funny, even if he barely showed it.

By the time I was done looking at everyone, I realized Beck had already sat down next to Sawyer on the couch. He watched the video intently and so my gaze decided to follow his.

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