Thirteen | Pretending

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I loved Fridays

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I loved Fridays.

Fuckin' loved them.

There was literally nothing better than waking up knowing that once you were done with your day, you were truly done. Nothing better than knowing you could actually relax once you got home.

It was currently around 10 in the morning, and I was finishing up my workout.

An empty gym on Friday mornings were one of my favorite things about going to a school that wasn't too big. Another good thing about not going to a huge school, was the fact that it wasn't too hard to be remembered.

Anytime I was here, I put out some type of energy that made most gym newbies piss the fuck off. If I wanted to use the squat racks, the smith machine, or any of the freehand weights, all I had to do was stand in front of them until I was noticed by the person using it. Then they'd scurry away. It could have something to do with being 6'3 and having a relatively large figure, but I'd like to think my glasses do a solid job at making me seem less intimidating and more approachable. But I don't think they do.

Which frankly, I'm okay with, so long as I still get free reign at the gym because everybody knows that in a way, this is my terrain. If anyone ever did threaten me, I wouldn't care or entertain it. I don't care if people wanna take their time. If people looked me in the eyes and continued to use a machine I wanted, I wouldn't give a fuck. I don't actually feel superior to anyone. I don't actually believe that I have more authority than someone in a public college gym just because I've probably been lifting longer than them. I don't give a shit. In fact, I have lots of respect for people who have the courage to just show up to the gym not knowing anything, and just raw dogging it.

I mean, I was scared as fuck the first time I went. I felt like an imposter of some sort. Sometimes, I still do. If it wasn't for the convenience of the gym I had at home, I probably never would've gotten into it. But luckily, I did. So I got where most of these people were coming from.

The dudes that would run the other way when they saw me waiting for the bench? I used to be them. My bitchass would be ending my set after 2 reps the second I saw somebody waiting for the bench.

I've come a long way, it seems.

I rerack the weights and head over to the men's locker room.

I tug my white compression shirt off and walk towards the showers. I wrap a towel around my waist, and then pull my shorts off while on, so that I don't inadvertently flash any pervs hiding in the empty locker room. I turn the shower knob to the cold setting, and then jump in, swinging the curtain closed behind me before stripping the towel off and hanging it on the hook next to the curtain.

As the freezing water cascades atop my body, I find my thoughts wandering.

I have class at 11 and afterwards, nothing. Usually, my schedule's pretty packed, but Fridays are light days for me. I enjoy it because it means I get to relax before Kofi eventually comes into our room and convinces us all to get plastered and either go to a club, a frat party that consists of "brothers that he's friends with", or stay home and watch whatever game is on. I don't mind his eagerness though.

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