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Lucy woke up in the middle of nowhere, with no memory of how she got there. If she thought hard, she couldn't remember much of anything, really. Her head was fuzzy and there was a pounding ache in her temples. The young woman slowly sat up, looking at her surroundings.

The first thing she noticed were the scorch marks in the earth where she had just been. She traced the charred pattern with her fingers, realizing that the pattern was in the shape of two wide wings.

A smoldering feather burned as it fell from the sky above her. She wasn't entirely afraid, at least, not of the marks. They gave her a sense of calm, like she knew they were meant to keep her safe. Yet, she didn't know how she knew that, or why she was here in the first place. She only knew her name and that she had to do something, but what? She had a mission... But the details eluded her like everything else.

After walking for hours, with the sun setting the sky ablaze in fiery orange and red, Lucy finally found herself amongst other people. With night time closing in, there weren't as many people as the girl had expected. Nonetheless, she was relieved.

She spotted a dark haired girl and a redhead walking together, drawing closer and closer to her. Neither of the two had noticed the blonde, but that didn't matter. Lucy waited until the two girls were several feet away before making her presence known.

"Excuse me? Could you tell me where I am?" She asked, wringing her hands together nervously. Something told her she had never spoken to other humans before, but that was impossible, right? How could she have never had an interaction before?

"Oh, uh, yeah. You're in Mystic Falls." The darker haired girl said. She looked at Lucy quizzically, almost judging her that she had no clue where she was.

"Virginia," The red head added. She smiled softly and held her hand out, "I'm Scarlet. This is my sister, Lexi."

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Lucy." The blonde shook the other girl's hand, tilting her head at the odd feeling that suddenly settled in her chest. Something inside of her was trying to tell her something about this girl, but she had no idea what it was, or how to figure it out. If only she could remember anything before waking up on the cold, hard ground.

"Are you a Stallion?" Lexi asked. When Lucy just blinked at her, she rolled her dark eyes and said, "A Salvatore Stallion, from the Salvatore school?"

"Or are you a Mystic Falls High Timberwolf?" Scarlet asked, obviously feeling the need to fill in the gaps her sister left in her words.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "Listen.. I'm going to be honest here... I woke up this morning in the middle of nowhere with no memories. This is the first place I came across. I just.. I need a little help."

The girls exchanged looks with each other before shaking their heads. "Stallion," the two girls stated in unison.

"Come on, we don't live that far from here and our dad will help. He's a doctor." Scarlet grabbed the blonde's hand and began pulling her towards her home. Lexi threw her hands up in the air before following behind.


"You show no signs of head trauma. Physically, there is nothing wrong with you." Dr. Malcolm Warner told the blonde girl after shining a light in her eyes.

"So then... why can't I remember anything about myself or my life before this morning?" She asked, feeling frustrated. Her temples throbbed and she felt a little nauseous.

"Could be a mental blockage. Why don't you come and stay with my girls and I? That way I can keep an eye on you in case you have a medical emergency. At least until you can remember where you live." The doctor was tall, with broad shoulders and muscles for days. His kind blue eyes showed the sincerity in his words. His hair was salt and pepper gray, from head to chin. He was the definition of a silver fox, and the young adult could definitely appreciate that.

Lucy knew stranger danger was a thing, but she trusted this man wholeheartedly. His eyes were genuine and kind, lulling the girl into a sense of security. Lucy may not remember her family, but she didn't mind the idea of joining the Warner family, if only for a little while. Maybe spending time with this family would help her remember her own.


Over the course of 3 months, Lucy came to know a few things about herself. One, she was incredibly kind and giving, but she could also snap like a switch under the right circumstances. Two, she was fascinated with the moon, stars, and the night sky. Shooting stars made her the happiest, and she was lucky to have seen a few. Three, she loved pizza, fettuccine alfredo noodles, Coke, and chocolate. Lastly, she was incredibly attracted to women. She liked men, too, but there was this beautiful redheaded girl in town that made Lucy's heart skip beats. She didn't know her name, and she sure as hell wasn't going to find out. Lucy was a mess deep down, not knowing who she truly was. The last thing she wanted was to bring someone else into her mess.

Little did she know, that redhead was going to be the only one capable of helping Lucy clean up her mess.

Little did she know, that redhead was going to be the only one capable of helping Lucy clean up her mess

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