3-Call My Name

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"So what are you?" Hope asked as she led the blonde through the corridors of the Salvatore Boarding School.

Lucy blinked at the question, confused only for a moment. "I'm not sure. Your headmistress thinks I could be a witch but I... I think I'm something different."

Hope tilted her head a bit as she eyed the girl before her. Hope had seen plenty of beautiful people in her short life time, from her friends, to her family, to the people she's killed. Living in a world full of supernatural creatures meant seeing insane beauty on the daily. Yet, somehow, Lucy was beautiful in a completely different way. She was ethereal. She was an angel, if they existed. Which, since Hope had killed a Cupid, it wasn't too far a stretch to believe in angels.

"What do you think you are?" The redhead asked, arms crossed over her chest as she leaned coolly against the wall.

Lucy shrugged. "I might be... uh.. celestial?"

"Celestial?" Hope was right on the money, she realized, as her blue eyes widened. "Like... an angel?"

Lucy shrugged again. "I'm not entirely sure." She squirmed under the pretty woman's gaze. She almost wished Hope would stop looking at her like that.

Hope blinked slowly and turned to keep showing the new girl around. "Whatever you are, you're safe here."

"What are you?" Lucy asked the other girl, watching her curiously.

Hope smiled, flashing golden eyes and sharp fangs. "I'm what you would call a Tribrid. My father was the original Hybrid, a Vampire and a Werewolf. My mother was the Queen of the Crescent pack, and my paternal grandmother was the original witch. I'm all three."

"Wow.. Was that hard? Acclimating to not one, not two, but three different things?" Lucy couldn't imagine. Her own powers scared her, although she hadn't experienced them since she lit her fingertips like sparklers.

"I grew up being a witch. When I was a teenager, I used my magic to kill an entire church of people. They deserved it, but.. I triggered my curse. I got used to that, changing at will and all that. Not too long ago, I died and became a full fledged Tribrid. I am... one of the most powerful creatures on the planet." The Mikaelson girl couldn't help the smirk that formed on her lips. "So if anyone messes with you, just call my name."

Lucy smiled and nodded her head. "Will do, Hope."


Lucy, despite being 18, enrolled in a few of the classes that the Salvatore school offered. She was fascinated by all of the different subjects. She had a base knowledge of the supernatural and of humanity- something that she learned she just knew, like how she knew her name and age when she woke up in that field.

What had Zach called it? He had said she had fallen, but what did that mean? It frustrated her that Zach had yet to reappear. She hoped he wasn't hurt or worse.

Lucy only took three classes:  Healing, Intro to Supernatural Species, and Chemistry of Magic. Hope had suggested them all to her and helped her find her classes. It was already partway into the semester, so the Tribrid offered to help the new girl play catch up.

Lucy sat on the floor beside Hope's bed, a book open in front of her. "I mean, I can understand the words. What I can't understand is how to do it. You all have such good grasps on your powers, yet I have no idea if mine are even good."

"Let's try healing. It's not as hard as it sounds." Hope flashed her fangs before biting into her hand. Lucy watched in awe as the torn flesh healed almost instantly. "I have extreme healing capabilities."

Lucy looked around the room, trying to find something she could use to create a small wound on her hand so she could practice her own healing abilities.

Hope seemed to read her mind, grabbing her hand and bringing one pale finger up to her fangs. Lucy's blue eyes widened, feeling the heat of Hope's breath on her skin. She flinched briefly when she felt the other girl's sharpened tooth prick her finger.

Hope's eyes turned golden at the taste of the other girl's blood. It was so much richer and sweeter than any other kind of blood the Mikaelson girl had ever had. It felt magical in a way that even witch's blood didn't.

Lucy cleared her throat and tried focusing on healing the small wound on her finger. At first, nothing happened, but slowly, so slowly both girls had trouble seeing it at first, even despite Hope's supernatural sight, a small blue light covered the wound. When the light dissipated, Lucy's skin was as perfect as could be. Even the blood on her skin had disappeared.

"Well, it works." Hope chuckled.

Lucy grinned. "I did it! That's amazing!"

"Do you want to try it again?" Hope asked, eyes sparkling as she watched the other girl. Something about her joy and innocence reminded her of Josie, one of her best friends.

Lucy stretched before looking at the clock. "Actually, I better turn in. I may not be human, but I still need sleep. Or, at least, I think I do." The blonde shrugged and began packing up her things. "Thanks for helping me out, Hope."

Hope enjoyed the sound of her name on Lucy's lips. She hadn't felt this way since Landon. She wondered if it was simple curiosity of a new being or if it was because the other girl radiated beauty like it was her aura. Everything about her seemed so unreal that Hope found herself wanting to really make sure the blonde beauty was real.


Fire burned everywhere. Red hot flames licked at every surface for miles. Lucy had no idea where she was, but she knew the fire wasn't burning her. In fact, she found she could walk through it like it wasn't even there.

The blonde walked for miles until she found a black castle. Entering the open door, she was met with a large black and red throne. Sitting atop the throne was a dark shadow that Lucy couldn't make out.

Suddenly, Lucy could no longer breathe. The shadow reached a hand out, and she felt slender fingers slip around her throat.

She could hear the shadow figure speak, but she couldn't make out the words. She managed to put her own hand around the shadow's wrist. With everything in her core, she created a light from her hand that was so bright, the shadow figure disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Lucy awoke with a start, the lights on in her bedroom so bright that they shattered. The blonde reached her fingers up to touch her throat, a raw pain settling there. When she pulled her fingers back, she noticed ash on her fingers.

Whatever nightmare she just had had been anything but a nightmare. Whatever it was, it was real. That shadow figure had hurt her and her powers had actual activated.

Before she could even think, one name left her lips like a prayer.



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