6-Path of Darkness

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Zachariah paced the grounds of the Salvatore boarding school. He could enter it if he chose to, but he felt almost obligated not to burst through the wooden doors like a mad man.

Hope appeared out of the double doors with two other girls, one blonde, like Lucy, and one brunette.

"Zach? Where's Lucy? Is she okay?" Hope's bright blue eyes were frantic as she noticed the lack of the blonde angel.

"She's gone." Zach told her flatly. "I should have noticed him... Should have sensed him. I couldn't. I didn't. Now she's gone."

"Noticed who? What happened?" Hope was nearly panicking now. Both girls on either side of her put their hands on their friend in comfort.

"Lucy's father. He showed up at the hospital and just... Took her." Jack's bright blue eyes were dull with sorrow and regret. If only he had been paying better attention.


"Lucy's gone?" Scarlet asked, trying to piece together everything that happened in the last several hours.

"You flatlined and you're worried about Lucy?!" Lexi cried. She was thankful for Lucy's help and just as worried about her as her sister, but Lucy could handle herself a whole hell of a lot better than they could.

Scarlet frowned, twiddling her thumbs nervously. "He took her... didn't he?"

"Who?" Malcolm asked, worry lines present in his creased forehead.

"That man... The one in the shadows." Scarlet's face looked ashen. "He was inside of my head. I could.. I could hear him. He wanted to use me to get to Lucy. I don't know what he's planning, but it can't be good. We have to help her!"

The redhead began throwing off the sterile white blankets and trying to remove her IV. Both Lexi and Malcolm stopped her.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" Lexi yelled at her sister.

"She needs us, Alexis!" Scarlet argued back, eyes glowing a whitish blue. Lexi took a step back, eyes wide in fear.

"Scarlet? What... What's..?" Lexi could barely form words.

Lightning flashed outside, causing all of the equipment in Scarlet's room to shut down. The redhead removed the IV, barely wincing at the pain. She could feel the energy of the storm roiling in her veins like the clouds in the sky.

"Lucy needs us, Lexi. You can stay here but... I have to go." Another flash of lightning revealed that instead of Scarlet's human shadow, the darkness formed the shape of a fox.


"What do you want from me?" Lucy growled. She was trapped in a cage made of shadows. It was dark magic that felt ancient and almost.. holy. Lucy realized the magic was celestial, but it was different from hers and even Zach's. It was cold and evil where theirs had been light.

The tall Indian man walked around the cage, assessing the creature within it. "You look just like your mother."

Lucy froze. She had almost zero memories of her mother, only bits and pieces that filtered into her mind slowly. She could conjure up her mother's beautiful face, bright blue eyes, and golden hair. That was about it.

"What do you know about my mother?" Lucy spat, trying not to show her fear.

"Your mother was a beautiful, powerful Angel. So much so, that she was capable of bringing new celestials into the world. She brought two beautiful children into the world... You and your brother."

Lucy took in the man's dark eyes and the way his mouth moved. She could tell by his body language that he wasn't lying.

"I have.. a brother?" Lucy asked, her stance staggering with the newfound information.

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