10-Come Hell or High Water

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Heaven, 22 years ago

Faith couldn't have been more powerful. She could level whole mountains and cool the stars. She was holy and full of light, but her greatest power came in the fact she was only one of a select few of Angels that could procreate.

Most Angels were made. Some were souls of humans that became Angels after entering Heaven. And then there was her baby.

Faith's first offspring was a bouncing baby boy. He had the same blonde hair as his mom, although only a small tuft could be seen coming in on the top of his head. His eyes were crystal blue like hers. She couldn't be happier to have him.

Faith had often watched over the babies that came to Heaven. She had always wanted one of her own, and here he was. He was so beyond beautiful, she could cry.

"What's his name?" Gabriel asked, leaning against the doorframe to Faith's baby's nursery.

"Matthew." Faith smiled down upon her baby. "My perfect little first born son."


Four years later, Faith was having another baby. This one, however, was causing her painful labor. It had already been several hours since she started pushing.

"Faith, you have to keep trying! Almost there!" Gabriel told her. "Come on! I can see the head!"

By the time Lucy was born, Faith was exhausted. Sweat covered her face and she could hardly form a smile at seeing her daughter.

Part of Faith knew the dangers of bringing Lucy into this world. Unlike with Matthew, Lucy was not of full celestial grace. She was half Angel, like Faith, but half demon on her father's side. No one could know, though, or Lucy would be destroyed.

"Faith?" Gabe asked, holding the crying infant. His gaze turned to Faith, the softest smile on her lips and her blue eyes dull as murky water. It didn't take a genius to realize she was no longer with them.


"She's a monster! She killed her own mother!"

"She's pure evil!"

It was Gabriel that bound Lucy's demon side, doing anything to keep his best friend's children safe. He wouldn't let Faith's death be in vain.

He took her in and raised her. He would have done the same with Matthew, but his father had taken him away already.

It was Gabriel that told Zach about the downfall of Heaven if Lucy's demon side was ever released. It was Gabriel who sent Lucy Falling to Earth.

If Zach couldn't do what he was meant to do, then Gabe would. He didn't want to kill his best friend's daughter, someone he loved like his own, but he had no choice. The fate of Heaven was far more important than the life of one little Celestial.


Rex laughed to himself as he recalled every word ever said about his little sister. They thought she would be their downfall. They thought she was the all powerful force that would destroy Heaven.

They were wrong, though. Lucy couldn't bring upon Heaven's ruin. That was his job, and he would do whatever it took to do so.

Even if it meant snapping his little sister's neck like a glowstick and leaving her for dead.

She was not the greatest threat to Heaven and Hell and Humanity. He was.

His first step would include removing that pesky Nephilim. Whether he wanted to help or hurt Lucy was of no concern to Rex. The only one even touching that little halfling bitch was going to be him, come hell or high water.

All he needed to do, really, was announce his presence loudly with his magic. Any Celestial on Earth would rush him, especially Heaven's golden boy. Lucy wouldn't, as she wouldn't understand how to sense or find him. He was counting on that.

Not yet. Soon.


Lucy's head pounded, her blood roaring in her ears. It was true, what they said in Heaven about being on Earth. Humanity infests you like a plague.

"Lucy?" There was a soft knock on her bedroom door. "Can I come in?"

Lucy granted them permission, pleased to see that it was Malcolm. Even with Mundus technically in the picture, Malcolm's fatherly love was always welcome.

The older man sat down on the bed beside the blonde. "I just want you to know something, okay? Good, evil, something in between.. It doesn't matter to me. You'll always be my third daughter, Lu. I know you found your real father and that you haven't been with us for very long, but I love you like a daughter. And I will protect you to the best of my newfound abilities."

Lucy teared up, her heart feeling full. She curled up into Malcolm's embrace, starting to cry. Everything was so messed up, her world was wildly spinning out of control, but at least she had this. This moment, this warmth, this love. She was sure the girls felt as if she were their sister, because she felt that way, too. She had her own little family, if all else failed.


Josie sat with Scarlet as Lexi and Lizzie lounged on the common room couches. Leave it to their more demanding siblings to get the comfortable spots.

"My dad was once a Vampire, too." Josie spoke softly to the redhead. "Before I was born. If he were here, he could tell you how he became human again." A brief sadness crossed the brunette's face before disappearing into a soft smile. "But my mom has been a Vampire for... way too long now. She's the best at control and will help your dad."

Scarlet smiled back, nodding. "Thank you. I appreciate that." She couldn't help but admire the older girl. She was a few inches taller than her, with the longest, silkiest looking dark waves cascading down her shoulders. Her lips were pink and smooth; very kissable.

"You uh... you said you knew a kitsune at your old school?" Scarlet asked as she came back down to Earth.

Josie nodded. "Yeah. She was a teacher. Very lovely woman. She never shifted in front of anyone, but I know that a kitsune has control over their shifting, unlike werewolves."

"I didn't even know I could until I did," Scarlet shrugged. "It was like muscle memory; like a second nature."

Josie smiled, knowing how her new friend felt. "You and your family will be safe here, I promise. You'll learn more about yourself and your powers, you'll learn control."

Scarlet's smile widened, brightening up the room a little, Josie thought. "I trust you."


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